By Staff
Published on September 1, 1963
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This is one of the last tractors that we have restored. This is a 1903 Huber 2060 hp Steam Traction Engine. We do not have the correct canopy on this engine, but plan to put the correct one on later.
This is one of the last tractors that we have restored. This is a 1903 Huber 2060 hp Steam Traction Engine. We do not have the correct canopy on this engine, but plan to put the correct one on later.
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Wesley Trathen of Flint, Michigan and his 1900 Watton Steam Car.
Wesley Trathen of Flint, Michigan and his 1900 Watton Steam Car.
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A bucket to a steam shovel I have forgotten the make looks as though the cleats hardly been used. It's as large a one as I ever saw.
A bucket to a steam shovel I have forgotten the make looks as though the cleats hardly been used. It's as large a one as I ever saw.
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The picture is a copy of one found in the effects of a neighbor who was related to a family named Wilson who moved to the Kirwin and Phillips berg locality in North Central Kansas in the 1890's. An uncle of mine worked for a month helping with this outfit
The picture is a copy of one found in the effects of a neighbor who was related to a family named Wilson who moved to the Kirwin and Phillips berg locality in North Central Kansas in the 1890's. An uncle of mine worked for a month helping with this outfit
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Here is a picture of a threshing scene near Lancaster, Wisconsin in 1914. The outfit is a 16 HP Advance Steam Engine and an Aultman Taylor 36X58 Thresher Feeder Weigher and Sattley Swinging Stacker. I am the owner and operator.
Here is a picture of a threshing scene near Lancaster, Wisconsin in 1914. The outfit is a 16 HP Advance Steam Engine and an Aultman Taylor 36X58 Thresher Feeder Weigher and Sattley Swinging Stacker. I am the owner and operator.
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Here is a picture of my 924 HP Kitten Engine. It has new flues and is in first class condition.
Here is a picture of my 924 HP Kitten Engine. It has new flues and is in first class condition.
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This picture sent in by Ed and he says knows nothing about it.
This picture sent in by Ed and he says knows nothing about it.
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J. I. Case Engine Road Roller, picture taken at Chicago Railroad Fair. Chicago, III. Was unable to secure owner or where it came from. Perhaps some of your readers might be able to furnish this information. If so would appreciate receiving same.
J. I. Case Engine Road Roller, picture taken at Chicago Railroad Fair. Chicago, III. Was unable to secure owner or where it came from. Perhaps some of your readers might be able to furnish this information. If so would appreciate receiving same.
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Here is a picture of my Avery outfit threshing in 1912. I am the engineer and my brother, Pete, is the fireman.
Here is a picture of my Avery outfit threshing in 1912. I am the engineer and my brother, Pete, is the fireman.
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'80 CASE GOES TO COLLEGE'. This is a picture of Frank Miller's 80 HP Case, of Kewanna, Indiana. It was taken on the Campus Ground of Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. It was there for 'The Boiler Maker's' football game in 1962.
'80 CASE GOES TO COLLEGE'. This is a picture of Frank Miller's 80 HP Case, of Kewanna, Indiana. It was taken on the Campus Ground of Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. It was there for 'The Boiler Maker's' football game in 1962.
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Threshing with steam in 1950. It is a Garrett Engine No. 32860, built about 1918. The owner is H. J. Holland & Sons, Wickham Market, Suffolk.
Threshing with steam in 1950. It is a Garrett Engine No. 32860, built about 1918. The owner is H. J. Holland & Sons, Wickham Market, Suffolk.
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This picture of a 16 HP Peerless Engine, No. 10640, owned by A. G. Henry, Fayetteville, Pa., was taken on Sept. 13, 1958 at the Maryland Historical Society Reunion, Upper co, Maryland.
This picture of a 16 HP Peerless Engine, No. 10640, owned by A. G. Henry, Fayetteville, Pa., was taken on Sept. 13, 1958 at the Maryland Historical Society Reunion, Upper co, Maryland.

Here is a picture, taken about 1910 or 1912, of an engine I ran
for 6 years in Alberta, Canada. In the picture I am peering from
the cab window. We are pulling 10 plows, enough discs to double
disc it. The drill seeds it and the harrow double harrows it,
changing the land from virgin prairie to a seeded field as smooth
as a garden.

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