It was sawmill life in 1912 on the Cubbinson farm eight miles
north of Mercer, Pennsylvania in Mercer County on Route 19. One
hundred thousand feet of lumber sawed on the set. A 25 HP Frick
portable engine used for the job. The two circle saws measuring
60′ across, costly at $250.00 can be seen at the right of the
Abram E. Johnson doing custom wood sawing for neighbor, Russel
Wyman, who is sawing and my father, Wm. H. Johnson, who is taking
the wood away from the saw. Another neighbor, Wm. Schufelt, is
handing more wood.
A nice 1/2 scale Case engine at the
Stephenson County Antique Engine Club Show at Freeport,
Hay press gave folks a look at baling with horses at the 1971
Butterfield Threshing Show in Minnesota.
Elmer Mahockich’s miniature Case ran like a big one at the
Butterfield Show.
A 1912 Peerless Separator given to me by Hugh Milison, Jr. It is
‘New Peerless’, Class A, 36′ X 56′, all wood High
Wind Stacker, built by Geiser ‘Peerless’ Machinery,
Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. Mr. Milison bought this separator used,
at Newton, Kansas in 1919 for $300. He also bought a Peerless
Engine used, in 1919 at Wichita, Kansas for $2250, a Z-1, 25HP.
This was a custom rig along with two more Peerless outfits in the
family. This rig was pulled by steam through 1935, and from 1936
through 1955 when last used, was pulled by Type S30-60 Rumely Oil
Pull. Mr. Milison junked his engine during World War II and has
been sorry in later years.