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Here is a picture of my 17 HP Jumbo Engine. There are so few 20 HP Jumbo's in Missouri but I have the only 17 HP that I know of and I believe it is the only 17 HP in existence. This engine is in fine condition.
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Here is a picture of us threshing oats on the B. C. Tygart Farm near Aldrich, Missouri. Mr. John Clark is standing in front of the machine and is an old time thresherman and a saw miloman. He is 90 years old and lives near Stockton, Missouri. He and his s
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Year of 1912 filling Silo with my 12 hp Minneapolis built and sent out from Hopkins, Minnesota 1892. Its 20 years old-runs like new.
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Here is a picture of a 12 HP Huber Outfit which belonged to my father. A.D. Lenner. This picture was taken about 1890. I don't know the number of it but the separator was bought new in 1881 and is a No. 164 Huber. I still have the separator here on the fa
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Here is a picture of my com shredder. It is a Rosen that, 2 roll that came out around 1915. It still runs good although it is powered with a 1915 Dodge motor.
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Here is a picture of the wreck of the Frank Nichols Threshing Machine. Of all the sad words of pen or tongue the saddest are 'down she goes.' Early one bright September morn this rig went through the Stillwater Bridge and plunged into Stillwater
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A picture of our Huber Steam Tractor. We purchased it last spring at Shelbume Falls, Vt. We had no idea what age or model this might be. It was suggested that we photograph it and send a picture to you to publish in hopes that some of your readers might b
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Reunion Gems
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Here is a picture of the engine I just finished building. It is my third engine. It took me 13 months to build and it steams easily and has lots of power. The specifications are as follows Length 7'9' Length of boiler 63' 14-1x36 flues-Width 38&
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