
By Staff
Published on November 1, 1968
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The sawmill photo show Glen Orbaker (tailing) and myself sawing hemlock, using the Fitz Burnham water turbine for power. (Hannibal Center, Oswego County, New York).
The sawmill photo show Glen Orbaker (tailing) and myself sawing hemlock, using the Fitz Burnham water turbine for power. (Hannibal Center, Oswego County, New York).
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20 Hp. engine on a 24 HO Boiler Port Huron Engine.
20 Hp. engine on a 24 HO Boiler Port Huron Engine.
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The small '' scale model engine I bought at an auction and it is unfinished to date. I am building a 2'' scale model of J. I. Case traction engine.
The small '' scale model engine I bought at an auction and it is unfinished to date. I am building a 2'' scale model of J. I. Case traction engine.
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No information with this one but I recognize Marsha and Earlene -don't you?? I think it must have been about 10 years ago.
No information with this one but I recognize Marsha and Earlene -don't you?? I think it must have been about 10 years ago.
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This is an ''oldie'' found in some of Elmer's possessions during one of the movings of the office, so while I have no courtesy line to go with it, I'll put the information that was on the back.
This is an ''oldie'' found in some of Elmer's possessions during one of the movings of the office, so while I have no courtesy line to go with it, I'll put the information that was on the back.
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A picture of a Case 50 Hp. engine that was bought from Neil Miller at Alden, Iowa. Left to right: Ralph Etler, Neil Miller and myself. We are going to show it at our County Fair this year.
A picture of a Case 50 Hp. engine that was bought from Neil Miller at Alden, Iowa. Left to right: Ralph Etler, Neil Miller and myself. We are going to show it at our County Fair this year.
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The two pictures are of the same engine. Above picture, the engine is ready for the big belt.
The two pictures are of the same engine. Above picture, the engine is ready for the big belt.
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Picture shows the engine in the belt and ready to thresh. The engine is a nice 30 Hp. Advance. Pictures were taken Aug. 27, 1955 by Merle Jones of Little Falls, Minnesota and as of that date the engine was or is yet owned by Harold Williams of Ada, Minnes
Picture shows the engine in the belt and ready to thresh. The engine is a nice 30 Hp. Advance. Pictures were taken Aug. 27, 1955 by Merle Jones of Little Falls, Minnesota and as of that date the engine was or is yet owned by Harold Williams of Ada, Minnes
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A snapshot taken from tank of Russell engine by Rev. A. Preston Gray Nov. 1, 1967.
A snapshot taken from tank of Russell engine by Rev. A. Preston Gray Nov. 1, 1967.
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Photo by Rev. Gray, showing his Weeden, J. I. Case outfit at left and other equipment
Photo by Rev. Gray, showing his Weeden, J. I. Case outfit at left and other equipment

20 Reeves, A. R. 20,Baker, 19 Port Huron, Portable Case, Home
Made. 65 Case, 12 Case and Gaar-Scott.

Also these names were on the back and while there are more
people pictured than there are names, I thought perhaps you could
pick some of them out, so here goes: Ralph W. Shelburne, Anthony
Moorman, Bernard Kreckler, Howard Ewank, Keith Mauzy, Gus Reisner,

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