Five intrepid passengers perched imperturbably atop this car and
tender pulled across Potomac Creek Bridge by a steam locomotive of
a type in common use during the Civil War.
Completed in nine working days in May 1862, the bridge was
constructed by a band of soldiers totally without experience in
such projects. It was built mostly with round sticks cut from the
than President Lincoln.
After a visit to McDowell’s headquarters in the month the
bridge was erected, Lincoln told members of his War Committee that
he had ‘seen the most remarkable structure that human eyes ever
rested upona bridge across the Potomac Creek, about 400 feet long
and nearly 100 feet high, over which loaded trains are running
every hour, and, upon my word, gentlemen, there is nothing in it
but beanpoles and cornstalks.’
Here is the 12-36 Hp. Frick owned by Percy Sherman of Palmyra,
Michigan being unloaded from a trailer. The engine built in 1913 is
in excellent condition.