
By Staff
Published on November 1, 1969
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Foster ''Saint'' No. 14637, 7 N.H.P, built 1936. Owner, P. Dickens, Riothersthorpe. Red House Rally on 10th August 1969.
Foster ''Saint'' No. 14637, 7 N.H.P, built 1936. Owner, P. Dickens, Riothersthorpe. Red House Rally on 10th August 1969.
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Old Civil Warhorse On a ''Beanpole'' Bridge
Old Civil Warhorse On a ''Beanpole'' Bridge
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Hudson locomotive, 14'' gauge, high pressure boiler, carries 150 lbs. Kansas state inspected.1400 feet of track.
Hudson locomotive, 14'' gauge, high pressure boiler, carries 150 lbs. Kansas state inspected.1400 feet of track.
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My size 3'' scale model of a 1915 65 Case steamer that I built during 1968.
My size 3'' scale model of a 1915 65 Case steamer that I built during 1968.
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Rain prevented the moving of the show engines to the N.T.A. meet at Wauseon, Ohio but later in the week the rain ended and the Show had several good days.
Rain prevented the moving of the show engines to the N.T.A. meet at Wauseon, Ohio but later in the week the rain ended and the Show had several good days.
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Smith and Porter portable steam engine, built circa 1857 at Charleston, South Carolina. This engine, found at Cedar Key, Florida, is shown here at Whistles in the Woods Museum where it awaits restoration.
Smith and Porter portable steam engine, built circa 1857 at Charleston, South Carolina. This engine, found at Cedar Key, Florida, is shown here at Whistles in the Woods Museum where it awaits restoration.
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It was a cold day when this picture was taken. T. Turner with pipe and the other is the cranky old crock that ran it. E.J. Buhr, that ran it long time ago.
It was a cold day when this picture was taken. T. Turner with pipe and the other is the cranky old crock that ran it. E.J. Buhr, that ran it long time ago.
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Geiser 1885 5 Hp. portable steam engine with cast-iron steam dome. This engine, found in South Carolina, is partially restored and operable. Frick 8 Hp. portable engine 2080, built circa 1879, with tapered waist boiler. This engine was acquired from J.W.
Geiser 1885 5 Hp. portable steam engine with cast-iron steam dome. This engine, found in South Carolina, is partially restored and operable. Frick 8 Hp. portable engine 2080, built circa 1879, with tapered waist boiler. This engine was acquired from J.W.

Five intrepid passengers perched imperturbably atop this car and
tender pulled across Potomac Creek Bridge by a steam locomotive of
a type in common use during the Civil War.

Completed in nine working days in May 1862, the bridge was
constructed by a band of soldiers totally without experience in
such projects. It was built mostly with round sticks cut from the

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