Gladays D. Bushong, of 335 North Battle Street, Manassas,
Virginia 22440 is a regular contributor to the local paper ‘The
Journal Messenger’ and the following two paragraphs is taken
from an article which she wrote recently for above mentioned
Mr. and Mrs. Morey came to Manassas from Pennsylvania in the
Manassas. It was located at what is now the corner of West and
Center streets. It has been emphasized that this mill did a vast
business in those days. A team of ten or more oxen were used to
pull the. engine which furnished the power for the sawing. The saw
mills in that day were operated by such engines as shown in the
picture, and were taken from mill to mill, just as they did when
the threshing machines came into existence.
Mr. and Mrs. Morey were active citizens and maintained an
interest in church (Lutheran) work while living in this
In the picture-running the engine is none other than the
‘Steam King of Northwest Pennsylvania’-Morgan Hill.
Standing on the ground is my father-in-law, Albert Sundberg. On the
wagon left to right is Russell Sundberg, myself (Jim Malz) and my
daughter, Debbie. This threshing was done on my farm.