216 NW1 Madison, South Dakota 57042
Our story on the Madison, South Dakota steam jamboree is already
drawing fan mail. However, since it was written almost a year ago,
most of the events predicted therein have already come to pass.
We have had a very successful ground breaking at which Governor
Boe presided. The 1966 show was attended by some 17,000 paying
The log house which our story said would be hauled 100 miles
from Canton, South Dakota and erected on the Prairie Village site
two miles west of Madison on US 81 was moved and was erected. Then,
a few days before the show, a tornado blew it down. It will be
restored in time for the ’67 show.
The village site will be open daily all summer. Visitors can see
a sod house furnished with authentic artifacts. Also on display
will be a completely furnished claim shanty, school house and chuck
East River Electric Power Cooperative has already started
building on the site a museum displaying the hand-powered household
appliances used on farms until ‘the REA come through’
barely twenty-five years ago. Also displayed will be early electric
appliances and farm equipment. This should be open in time for the
The new steel shed housing early farm equipment will display
engines, tractors and farm implements.
The Prairie Village has purchased an 1893 steam-powered
merry-go-round and calliope which was kept busy by kids young and
old during last year’s show and will sell rides throughout the
next show.
Also in operation will be a steam-powered popcorn popper,
selling popcorn with true old-fashioned flavor (with BUTTER!)
A pioneer jail will be ready for customers in time for the show.
It won’t cost anything to get in but it might cost quite a bit
to get out.
Other buildings in process of restoration are an early rural
church, country depot, country bank, turn-of-the-century farm