Box 21, Wichita, Kansas 67201
The book was held with a grip that would not loosen until
contents were read and valued keenly. I wish I could have had it
long ago – History of trials and tribulations of men; makers of
machines that advanced farming conditions in the State where I was
born just two years after Mr. Aultman died at the age of 57. I wish
It was a time of sorrow for me as I read that part of the book.
I well knew so many of the farm machinery as The Buckeye Mower.
The latter part grew less interesting as the impression gained
of internal disruption, in the Company I did not know to exist.
You could not buy the book back. It will have record of keen
value – so well written-dates all clear, fluent, easy to read and
clearly understood.
Now, we will be looking for more. I have in mind the Great
Minneapolis Line that went broke at the last. The last engine
Nichols & Shepard built -the poorest Case never built a good
steam engine. Steam was never conquered or efficient utilized.
This little book convinces me the need of a book covering all
the leading manufacturers of machinery that has made agriculture a
world sucess in U.S.A.
However, there were some things I thought wanting – while
Aultman & Taylor, not the best with steam – safe to say, that
the Aultman & Taylor Tractor -the Big Tractor was a Leader.
Right in with Rumely who built the best steam and gas engines. I
mean the single cylinder steam with Arnold valve gear; a rear -not
a stub mounted.
Let me eagerly recommend the ‘Aultman Book’ by Bixler at
$2.00 -just too little – for such history of value.