Reminiscing with Steam

By Dale E. Robinson
Published on September 1, 1971
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This is a Nichols and Shepard rear mounted 20-75 hp. engine, No. 13267, pulling Ben Foster's saw mill near Newton, Illinois, November 18, 1970. This engine is owned by Dale E. Robinson of Newton, Illinois 62448. Courtesy of Dale E. Robinson, R. R. 2, Box
This is a Nichols and Shepard rear mounted 20-75 hp. engine, No. 13267, pulling Ben Foster's saw mill near Newton, Illinois, November 18, 1970. This engine is owned by Dale E. Robinson of Newton, Illinois 62448. Courtesy of Dale E. Robinson, R. R. 2, Box
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This is a free lance scale engine, built by Dale E. Robinson of Newton,Illinois 62448. This engine has a cylinder bore 1 inches, a stroke of 1 inches. It carries 100 pounds steam working pressure. It lacks road gears, to be completed later.
This is a free lance scale engine, built by Dale E. Robinson of Newton,Illinois 62448. This engine has a cylinder bore 1 inches, a stroke of 1 inches. It carries 100 pounds steam working pressure. It lacks road gears, to be completed later.

R. R. 2. Box 82, Newton, Illinois 62448

Many old timers have written to the Iron-Men Album
telling of their interests and experiences with steam. I have
enjoyed reading these articles very much. However, I feel quilt
that I have never contributed any articles for others to read.

I shall try to give a brief history of my experiences with

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