These are the newly-elected officers for the new year. Three of
the directors were absent when the picture was taken. Front row
Lester Lee, President; Evelyn Crow, Treasurer; Dean Fullerton,
Director. Back row Glenn Fullerton, Director; Frank Gormley,
Director; Paul Crow, Secretary; Earl Hamilton, Vice-President ; V.
M. Paul and M. W. Kaste, Directors. Absent when picture was taken
The annual business meeting of the Tri-State Historical Steam
Engine Association, Inc. was held at Frankfort Springs,
Pennsylvania, on April 9, 1966. Details for the various activities
of the coming season were planned and the following officers were
selected for the year: Lester Lee, President; Earl Hamilton,
Vice-President; Paul F. Crow, Secretary; Evelyn M. Crow, Treasurer.
Board of Directors: M. W. Kaste, John Sell, Frank Gormley, David
McDonald, Glenn Fullerton, N. W. Zellars, Dean Fullerton, V. M.
Courtesy of John J. Menchhofer, 3520 West 12th Street
Indianapolis, Ind. 46222
The Pioneer Engineers Club of Indiana Inc. held their annual
meeting for election of officers for the year on April 2, 1966.
When this club was organized 18 years ago, the election of
officers was held the first part of the year. This was carried on
until this year. When the by-laws were made, the election date was
changed to 30 days after the 3-day show. This never has been
carried out until this year when the President decided to change
it, to conform with the by-laws. I agree with this to the fullest
extent. This gives the new officers more time to get lined up on
their work.
The old officers hold over until October 1966, with the
exception of the Secretary who resigned because of other work. The
new Secretary is Eldon Myers.
Following are the names and addresses at this time:
President Ray Jones, Sunman, Indiana
Vice President Lawrence Porter, R. R. #6, Rushville, Indiana
Secretary Eldon Myers, R. R. #17, Box 278, Indianapolis,
Treasurer Anthony Moorman, R. R. #6, Greensburg, Indiana
Directors – 3 years Arthur M. Lucas, 48 North Tansel Road,
Clermont, Indiana; Everett Huber, Brookville, Indiana; Chester
Hiler, Okana, Ohio
Directors – 2 years Nelson Howard, New Castle, Indiana; William
Miester, 5355 Raymond Street, Indianapolis, Indiana; Anthony Hood
(deceased), Rushville, Indiana
Directors – 1 year Roy Mercer, Louisville, Kentucky; Russell
Coon, Jr., Rushville, Indiana R. R. # ; Herman Nunally, Lebanon,
Indiana R.R.