Route 2, Scio, Ohio 43988
The 10th Annual Show of Stumptown Steam Threshers Association
was held September 9th and 10th, 1-1/4 miles west of New Athens,
Ohio. As in previous years, there were special attractions twelve
steam engines on display, gas and oil tractors and in the
neighborhood of two hundred small gas engines, sawmill, operating
feed Champion and a Russell Thresher with a boss feeder, grinding
corn meal and buckwheat flour and these two items were for
On Saturday, Mrs. Oliver Sword of Dalton, Ohio was crowned Queen
of our show and Mr. Harry Rogers of Kensington, Ohio was named
‘Thresherman of the Year’, and was presented a plaque for
his faithful support to the club and his interest all his life as a
These two projects were sponsored by our ladies auxiliary. They
also had a Flea Market, Rummage Sale, Bazaar and Bake Sale. Each
year they raffle a beautiful handmade quilt.
On Saturday night a Fiddler’s Contest was held, directed by
Raymond Laizure and it was enjoyed by all.
Church services were conducted Sunday morning by Rev.
Through the efforts of many committees during the year and these
two days, we can truly say we had a very enjoyable and successful
show. Hoping to see you all again at our 1973 Show in September, 8
and 9.
Officers are Charles Harrison, President, Scio, Ohio; Earl
Hamilton, Vice-President, Lisbon, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson
are Secretary and Treasurer of Carrollton, Ohio.