Pinckneyville, Illinois 62274
I have been reading about the other shows around the country,
but have not seen anything about the American Threshermans Show at
Pinckneyville, Illinois. I will give a little report on the
We have the show four days and nights. The first day, Thursday,
threshing, and get the sawmill working. We have a twelve bottom
plow that was used out in Kansas and we get it out and started as
we pull it with one of the steamers. We have a grist mill and grind
corn meal and flour every day. We have about 16 large steam
engines, and some models, and 20 or 30 old tractors, one horsepower
that is for 10 horses. We thresh from 15 to 20 acres of wheat and
down in this part of Illinois the straw is long and will make the
old Keck’s bark, which is music to any old thresherman. We have
a parade every evening, and at night we have a tractor pull, and
also do some pulling with steamers.
On Sunday the last day we have one of the largest antique car
parades that you will see anyplace. Also on Sunday morning we have
Church services for everyone in the Grandstand.
We have a nice grandstand and plenty of shade so nobody will
have to be in the sun for a long period.
There is plenty of parking space and picnic tables, and within
ten miles of the fair ground is the largest shovel in the world. It
has a 160 yard bucket and anyone that would like to see it can get
in touch with me and I will see that you get to see it working.
Our show this year will be August 14, 15,16, 17. We may not have
the biggest show, but we have something for you to see all the
time. We do have a good display of antiques under the
We also have a shingle mill and make shingles every day and a
veneering mill which is used every day.
I guess I better shut up for now, and write something later of
our threshing days.