R.R. 6, Box 159, Greensburg, Indiana
Pictured is Baker 501 after restoration. Restoration was
completed the day before the opening of the Pioneer Engineers Show.
In just 3 weeks a new smokebox, flues, water tanks, and a new top,
and all pipes and valves were put on the engine. The engine was
fired up and run for the first time in nearly 20 years just 3 days
like new.
Work could not have been completed without the unselfish help
from several club members. Special thanks go to Chester Hiler,
Everett Huber, Charles Williams, Ray Jones, and Robert Tingle.
Without them restoration would not have been completed this
A thanks to the readers of the Iron Men Album, who wrote and
gave us information as to the age of this engine. According to your
readers it was built in 1907. The Baker company repossessed it and
overhauled and resold it in 1923.
Thanks too, go to Mr. David Groner of Berger, Missouri for
supplying us with a Bell-top smokestack. The stack was completely
missing when we obtained the engine. Mr. Groner’s reply was the
only one we received from an ad placed in the Iron Men Album.