1601 S. National Avenue, Springfield, Missouri
I have just received the January-February number of the IRON-MEN
ALBUM Magazine, and have noted that my subscription is to expire
with the next number.
For fear I might miss a number, I am remitting today, $4.00 for
a two-year subscription. I enjoy your little magazine more than I
small boy. I never owned an engine, until about two years ago. I
used to run them some, and did quite a bit of studying ‘Farm
Engines and How to Run Them,’ ‘Steam Engine Catechism,’
and ‘Engine Runners’ Catechism.’ I enjoy
‘tuning’ them up.
I now own a 24-horse Minneapolis, engine No. 8497, which I have
put in perfect condition. This engine, I am told, came out in 1921.
Gears and everything show very little wear. I have painted the
engine in the original colors, and ‘Old Pet’, as I call it,
is a great satisfaction to me.
Mr. Frank Stark of near-by Billings, Missouri, owns a ten-horse
Rumely; also a 20-horse Advance Rumely, and it is our ambition to
begin a new Reunion center at Billings sometime this year. You may
be hearing more from us.
I am enclosing a snapshot of my ‘Old Pet’ for your
collection. She is a dandy, and has just ‘everything.’
Wishing the greatest success to The IRON-MEN ALBUM Magazine, and
all lovers of steam engines.