Darke County Steam Thresher’s Ass’n. Inc.
Having completed our business for the past year. The Darke
County Steam Threshers’ members, officers and directors held an
election in the assembly room in the courthouse Greenville,
Officers for 1967 are as follows: President – R.S. Hollinger;
Harold Ary.
Board of Directors: Hugh Hartzell, Verl Lawrence, Milton Deets,
Leonard Lambert, Glen Ary, Ralph Ary, Lloyd Seman.
Trustee: Sylvester Ditmer, Wayne Whitenack, Woody Turner.
Chaplian: Rev. Lillie Black Mote. Attorney: Paul Younker.
The tenth annual Reunion was held in the Lloyd Seman woods. The
comments from the crowds were most favorable.
Tioga County Early Days Inc. Mansfield, Penna. held their first
reunion Aug 4-5-6-7- 1966. We had a very successful reunion, that
was well attended and there were many people from different states.
Max Karl of Wyausling Penna. had his brother-in-law over with him
from Germany. His name is Ernest
Hanning, Sydow St. 8-425 Bottrop West Germany. He enjoyed the
reunion; seeing and hearing noises from all the gas engines, gas
tractors and steam engines running different machinery. When the
people talked to Mr. Hanning, Mr. Karl had to translate it to
We had Seventy-eight gas engines Seventeen gas tractors of
different kinds. Stevens steam engine a 1900, Peerless steam engine
a 1890, Mr. Judith Matson of Owego N. Y. had his model steam engine
there. The men sawed lumber on the sawmill run by a steam engine.
The stone crusher was run by a steam engine.
We had Irand shingle mill run by a Peerless steam engine when
the shingles were made people were taking them for souvenirs.
We also had many Antique Cars & Trucks.
Mr. Reese of Knoxville, Penna. had on display one of the first
milking machines which was pumped by setting on the seat and
pumping with your feet. It milked two cows at once. Mr. & Mrs.
Jay Hill of Montrose, Penna. had a team of Devonshire Oxen. They
had a covered wagon pulled by the Oxen, Young and Old enjoyed the
ride given by the Oxen.
We had very nice display in our tent of Antiques, such as
Clocks, wooden washing machines, Baby Cradles, Shingle shavers,
Doll carriage, so many thing to numerous to mention.
We had a lot of horse drawn farm machinery. They did threshing
of grain.
Richard Crittenden of Mansfield had one of the first school
buses and it was drawn by horses.
Next year we hope to have many more different Antique on display
with a larger reunion.
We would like to have members from any state.
Anyone wishing to join the Tioga County Early Days Inc. may do
so by sending $2.00 Membership fees to:
Mrs. Florence Campbell Sec., box 13 Taberg, New York 13471
By Lucile P. Blaker, (Mrs. LeRoy Blaker) secretary-treasurer
INC. was held June 22-25 at the Fulton County Fairgrounds, Wauseon,
Ohio. This Reunion was marked by several ‘MORE’S’
–MORE large steam engines, MORE models, MORE farm machinery, MORE
gas engines, MORE bands and floats, and MORE people. The event got
off to a good start with impressive opening ceremonies, when Fair
officials welcomed the event to the grounds, and town officials
welcomed them to the ‘county seat without parking meters’.
Four colorful flags were raised by Wauseon Boy Scouts-US, OHIO,
NTA, TNT banners-prayer was offered by Chaplain Ritzman, responses
to welcomes by NTA president, LeRoy Blaker and vice-president,
Cyril Bauer.
Sawing logs, threshing grain, operating engines on four Baker
fans and the original Prony brake, on the shingle mill and the
veneer machine, the double incline, the teeter-totter, were among
the activities of the Reunion. Since the dates this year were the
very earliest that the last full week-end in June ever falls,
winter barley was not ripe in northern Ohio. Charles Barker,
Lexington, Kentucky, was engaged to haul up a large truckload of
wheat. When it developed that wheat would not be ripe even there,
he was instructed to locate some winter barley, if possible. This
he was able to do, with the result that there was some threshing
done at the threshers reunion. Since dates for 1968 will be June
27-30, it is hoped that local grain will be available; if not, some
will again be brought from the South, so threshing is assured.
Fine weather prevailed during the four days of the Reunion; many
engines not shown here before were of interest to the crowds;
contests of various sorts were staged; four bands entertained
before and during the four parades; the YOUNG ENGINEERS organized
and played a prominent part; interesting programs were given during
the afternoons in the Arts and Crafts building, after which TEAS
were served. An innovation was the tea after the Saturday parade,
and an ice-cream (homemade with cake also) social after the Sunday
parade, sponsored by the Fulton County 4H Advisory Council. The
programs of the Fulton County Horseshoe Club and the Northwest Ohio
Antique Auto Club were also of interest. The Sunday morning
religious service in the grandstand drew a large number of
Participants, with a good sermon and fine music.
Officers of the National Threshers Association are as follows:
President – LeRoy W. Baker, Alvord-ton, Ohio; Vice President –
Cyril E. Bauer, Route 1, Holgate, Ohio; Chaplain-Rev. Elmer
Ritzman, Enola, Pennsylvania; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs.’
LeRoy W. Blaker, Alvordton, Ohio; State Directors – John Limmer,
Route 2, Perrysburg, Ohio;Harold Gay, 633 Cleveland Street,
Decatur, Indiana; Percy Sherman, Palmyra, Michigan; Peter Buc-her,
Fairfield, Iowa; Wilbur Collins, 215 W. Prairie, Pontiac, Illinois;
Elmer Schaefer, Yoe, Pennsylvania; Frank L. Mc-Guffin, 3531 Tea
Street, N.W. Washington 7, D.C.; Clarence Mirk, 2362 N. 85th
Street, Wauwatosa 13, Wisconsin; Lynn L. Langworthy, Box 225
Alfred, New York; Jack Tucker, Georgetown, Kentucky; George
Searson, Box 134, Watford, Ontario, Canada; Trustees -Ralph
Vincent, 530 Center Street, Bryan, Ohio; Homer Holp, Brookville,
Ohio; Dean Saunders, Addison, Michigan.
Officers of the TNT are as follows; The National Thresher women.
President – Mrs. Earnest Hoffer, Toledo, Ohio; Vice President, Mrs.
Mac Keller, Garrett, Indiana; Secretary-Treasurer -Mrs. Glenn
Shepard, McClure, Ohio.
We regret that the list of larger models and gas engines has
been inadvertently misplaced. We wish to assure all exhibitors of a
big WELCOME and FREE NTA MEMBERSHIP AND BADGE, by reporting to the
membership desk during the Reunion or indicating their intention of
exhibiting by writing secretary before June 15.
We also welcome the BAKER FAN 500 CLUB, who elected the
following officers for 1967-68: President – Steve Heidi, Sandusky,
Ohio; Vice-president – Philip Hoffer, Toledo, Ohio;
Secretary-treasurer, Frank Johnson, Perrysburg, Ohio; Committee
Chairman – Cyril Bauer; Advisor – Dan Heidi.
Members for 1967 are: Irel Ashbaugh, Leonard Beal, William
Benner, LeRoy Blaker, Carl Bockelman, Frank Cain, Paul Garman,
Charles Garman, Dan Heidi, Steve Heidi, Philip Hoffer, Earnest
Hoffer, Julius Hoffman, Millard Hopkins, W.H. Knapp, Richard
Kuhlman, John Limmer, Wallace Murphy, O.W. Nichols, Jim Nichols,
James Porter, Dean Saunders, Percy Sherman, Ralph Vincent, Ralph
Wallace, Cyril Bauer, George Kuehne, Harold Gay, Elmer Schaefer,
Rev. Elmer Ritzman, David G. Schramm, Denney Hoffer, John Neagley,
Calvin Hoffer, Frank Johnson, Gerald Kramer, Joe Kramer, Corky
Campbell, Denny Emch, Leo R. Newberry, Harley Searson.
The following are listed as having exhibited also steam and gas
models: Antique Farm Machinery: Ledyard Brothers, Maumee, 0.;
Cloyce Mincks, Signet, 0.; Allen Stiriz, Delta. 0.; Rowe
Baumgardner, Archbold, 0.; Ivan and Maxon Weaks, liberty Center,
0.; Denver Rupp, Pioneer, 0.; Walter Huffman, Wauseon, 0.; William
Grieser, Wau-seon, 0.; Ben Roth, Wauseon, 0.; K. Morr, Delta, 0.;
John Limmer, Perrysburg, 0. Lester L. Roos, Geneseo, Ill.: Gene
Meyers, Genoa, 0.; A.L. Renne-wanz, Decatur, Ill.; Harold W.
Kissick, Ashland, Va.; Morris Titus, Pendleton, Ind.; Charles
Garman, Wasueon, 0.: George Weddell. Woodville, 0.; Fred V. Barson,
Jackson, Mich.; N.A. Kruse, Park Ridge, Ill.; J. Laubenthal,
Ottawa, 0.;
Committee chairmen follow: Tickets- Paul Garman, Victor Berndt;
Engine Registration, Elmer Ransburg, Ralph Vincent; Concessions,
T.D. Measures; Pa. System, George Kuehne; Threshing, John Limmer;
Sawmill, Percy Sherman; Baker Fans, Cyril Bauer; Models, Carleton
Weisel, Sam Schnur; Picture Gallery, John Hixson; Trading Post,
William Rhodes; Parade, Dan Heidi, Cyril Bauer; Youth Committee,
Dean Saunders, Lloyd Kramer, John Holp; Movies, Philip Hoffer, W.H.
Knapp; Antique Machinery, Clyde Felger, Walter Hoffman;
Registration, Mrs. Elmer Ransburg, Mrs. Dan Heidi; Room
Information, Mrs. Charles Garman; Horseshoe Tournament, James Figy;
Clean-Up, Charles Garman; Teas, Mrs. Paul Garman, Mrs. Victor
Berndt: church Service, Harry Mitchell.
We wish to thank all those who made the Reunion possible, for
their interest and hard work. We look forward to June 27-30, 1968,
when we will again sponsor ‘THE OLDEST REUNION AND ONE OF THE