Mendon, Utah
THE THRESHING PAGEANT ‘Depicting 100 Years Progress’
went off very successfully August 17th at our county fair grounds
as indicated in our centennial program.
It consisted of the following: No. 1 Sheep tread power driving
the ground hog, first mechanical thresher. No. 2, Sweep Nelson
head of horses went round and round for one hour without any
trouble at all. No. 3, Case 60 hp. drove the Advance plain
separator 1912. No. 4, Case 45 tandem compound drove the latest
steel Case separator, engine No. 1903. No. 5, last and least
noticed was the latest Case self-propelled combine. All machines
and engines were painted up like new and sure was an imposing
sight. Two loads of grain were threshed.
My latest scale Case model No. 3 was also on display making 9
model steam engines I have built. I am now starting on the fourth
Case a scale from the precision patterns I made of same. We are
holding a Threshing Bee at our home Sept. 8th. Come and see it.
I enjoy every page of the ALBUM and am sending my renewal as I
can’t afford to miss a number.