Reunion Reports

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1963
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Pictured left to right President Gordon E. Smith, son John and Gordon's Dad, Harry Smith of Orillia. Three generations taken on the President's 14 hp Waterloo at the Reunion at Milton.
Pictured left to right President Gordon E. Smith, son John and Gordon's Dad, Harry Smith of Orillia. Three generations taken on the President's 14 hp Waterloo at the Reunion at Milton.
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Here is a picture of my old popcorn wagon, year 1914, Steam Engine Model ECX, No. 29025. I am looking for a service manual catalog or parts for the wagon.
Here is a picture of my old popcorn wagon, year 1914, Steam Engine Model ECX, No. 29025. I am looking for a service manual catalog or parts for the wagon.
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Part of the attendance at the Early American Steam Engine and Old Equipment Society Banquet. Photo courtesy of Frank L. McGuffin, 3531 Tea Street, N. W., Washington 7, D.C.
Part of the attendance at the Early American Steam Engine and Old Equipment Society Banquet. Photo courtesy of Frank L. McGuffin, 3531 Tea Street, N. W., Washington 7, D.C.


‘A huge success’ was the President’s remarks of the
2nd Annual Reunion of the Ontario Steam and Antique Preserver’s

The entertaining 3 day show was presented for around 25,000

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