F3 Kingsland Tr. Crt., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
I am happy to report that the 1972 Pioneer Acres Plowman &
Thresher’s Show, twelve & a half miles east of Calgary,
Alberta, Canada, was a huge success. This was our Third Reunion,
held on Aug. 12 & 13, 1972.
The crowd was in a jovial mood, and no one seemed to mind dust
straw as it came out of the blower, and burying each other in it.
There was a Shetland pony to ride upon, or a cart to ride in,
pulled by the pony.
The Concession, catered by a local Club, was well attended by
young and old alike; the food was superb.
All machinery was in good running condition, and each piece
sported a shiny coat of paint.
There were several additions this year, in the gas section. A
1917 Hit & Miss, Mogul, a 30-60 heavy weight Rumely, a 25-45
heavy weight Rumely, a 25-45 light weight Rumely, and a 1911
(2-plow) Moline2-cylinder opposed, with front wheel drive.
The Case steamer, and some of the gas engines, took turns on the
Baker Fan, which is always a big attraction.
A young man on his saddle horse, a beautiful animal, was a
wonderful addition to this year’s Show. He acted as messenger.
Maybe some of you other Show Managers will be grateful for this
‘tip’. When a particular man was needed, and happened to be
at the other end of the ‘grounds’ away went horse &
rider to tell him. As one club member said, ‘It sure beats
Moccasin Telegraph.’
A beautifully matched 4-horse team from High River, Alberta,
plowed, as did several of the engines.
The three Minneapolis Threshers, busily separating the grain
from the straw, were powered by Steam and Gas engines.
Each Fall, preceding the following year’s Show, we use a
binder and cut a standing wheat crop. This is stooked, and then
stacked and covered with a ‘tarp’ to protect it from the
rain and snow. Believe me, one has to be
‘Johnny-on-the-spot’ to beat the combine to the
‘draw’. This method assures us of ripe grain to thresh at
the next year’s Show.
The 1912 25-75 Case Steamer was ‘Queen of the Fleet’
again this year. There were plans for displaying three more
Steamers, but due to complications beyond anyone’s control,
this was not possible. However, next year’s plan is for more
Steam Power.
Attending this year’s Show, were visitors from several of
our Canadian Provinces, the U. S. A., and as far away as England.
Each and every one showed a keen interest.
The Models drew many favourable comments. On display was a
32-110 c.c. Reeves, a 110 Case, and a Locomotive. ALL STEAM.
Worthy of note also, were the many stationary Gas Engines,
ranging in size from one & a half to three H. P., and a large
display of hand tools which were in use many years ago.
Our Show started in a small way, but each year sees more pieces
of machinery, and all painted. And plans for next year are even
bigger and better. Come see ‘us’ in 1973.