Daily tains for nearly two weeks before the show, made the show
grounds look like a lake rather than a threshing show ground, and
some of the early exhibitors felt that they were on a duck hunting
trip with the wrong equipment, when they got their first view of
the grounds.
Clearing skys gave encouragement and preparations, which were
The first day program was cut short because of muddy conditions,
while things in general got under way, in style, the second day,
and the final day was perfect in every respect, reports indicate
that nearly all had a good time.
Buck Spencer, Newton, Kans. with his Model Case Agitator, always
draws a good crowd of spectators, powered with Roscoe Jr., a size
Case 65, which is an association engine, dedicated to our good
friend and Director Roscoe Babbitt, Golden City, Mo. Mr. & Mrs.
Eugene Williams of Delphos, Ohio furnished a mighty fine selection
of wooden Souvineers for interested spectators. While Florence
Fleming, Farmington, Ill. had a mighty fine display and furnished
many spectators with pioneer items. Mike Cordell, Raymond Pellett,
Fort Scott, Directors, Museum items, furnished many items of
interest, even though Raymond was very busy with a convention in
our City of the Kans. Pre Canceled Stamp Collectors on the same
The Springfield Machinery Co. Springfield, Mo. Distributors of
Saw Mill dupplies under the direction of Mr. G. A. Hubbell, set up
his personal mill. G. A. (or Gus) who was service manager for the
Springfield Machinery Co. for years before his retirement, rebuilt
this personal mill of his to his desires for the purpose of
demonstrating the saw-mill at steam engine shows, Gus that mill
sure done a fine job sawing several hundred ft. of lumber during
our show, of course, we feel our 80 HP Case powered it so it could
make a good showing.
In addition to the sponsoring of Gus’es Saw-Mill, the
Springfield Machinery Co. set up a nice display of saw-mill
supplies and passed out hundreds of free souvineers.
Walter Arndt, Noel, Mo. had his Wood Bros. engine on display in
full operation, a neat little model, built on a jewelry-mans lathe,
however Mr. Arndt offered to pull his engine against any engine on
the grounds big or small, using the same steam pressure, (0).
Mr. Everett Pyle, Saint Jacob, Ill. supplied the shingle mill
and displayed his 8-16 Mogul Tractor, which was on the road to the
Pyle Hobby Shop for restoration, seeing some of Everett’s work
I know this machine will be a beauty when he gets through with it.
In addition to Everett’s efforts for these displays, he also
MCed the activities of the show, all of which we are very grateful
to him, for doing. Everett’s efforts to promote our shows in
various communities is of great value and can’t be over
Our engines met a stranger this time, a stranger that made them
talk, talk long and loud. George F. Bahre, Coulterville, Ill.
furnished us with his well constructed (trailer style) fan. George
sure incorperated in a mighty fine idea, in building this fan, easy
to move and set up.
Slim Withers, Palmyra, Mo.; Claude N. Hazlett, Auxvasse, Mo.;
Fred Large and John Goins, Fort Scott; Ernest Daynard, Iola;
Francis Sevart, Girard; Montie Stockton, Greenfield, Mo.; H. C.
(Slim) Watson, McClouth; F. L. (Doc) Pry, Kansas City; W. B.
Sidmore, Topeka; Clinton (Buck) Spencer, Newton; John Beaver,
Gravois Mills, Mo.; Raymond Thackrey, Smith Center, together with
their helpers, prepared and operated the engines for the steamer
action, the fine job which they had done delighted hundreds of
Ray Travis, Springfield, Mo. and Hurb Blosser, Fort Scott
furnished an interesting display with their homemade small
Tractors, from the talk they created, this department will
increase. The gas engine department of the show, with Leonard
Lemmon, Harold Morrell, Bob Miller, and Francis Severt, together
with their helpers furnished a mighty fine collection of Gas
Engines, appliances and models including a few steam engine models.
These boys through their devotion and efforts are building a good
following for our show.
John Carlson, Cherokee, had the Bale tie machine and made
several bale ties, which we used in baleing our straw. John also
acted as parade master, and organized a mighty fine parade. While
Sheriff (Cochise) North rip got the Saddle Club and the
Sheriff’s Posse together consisting of some 50 saddle horses
and riders for the parade Drill, races and other saddle horse
activities. The Sheriff and his group have been putting on some
fine exhibits with their horses and as a result were invited and
attended the American Royal at K. C.
Hurchel Duncan, Fort Scott, and his committee (Shetland Pony
fans) organized a Shetland Pony pulling match, thinking they might
get some eight teams to participate, but to the surprise of all of
us they had 32 teams some of which participated in the parade for a
nice showing and then put on a real good pulling match, with all
ponies having a chance. These ponys thrilled many of the Junior
spectators along with several Seniors.
In all it made a mighty fine three ring show from 3 P.M. to
quitting time. Steamers in action, threshing, baleing, and sawing,
while the saddle horses were performing the ponys were pulling,
giving a display of educational -history and action entertainment,
and in this manner the 6th Annual Pioneer Harvest Fiesta came to a
Though we were handicapped in starting this 6th show, it was one
of our most successful, due to the enthusiastic efforts of many.
The officers of the Pioneer Harvest Fiesta are of the opinion that
it is impossible to find words that will attempt to express an
honest appreciation for the efforts of so many who made possible
the success of this 6th annual show. We hope any negligence, if and
when it occured will be overlooked, or forgiven, and we will have
this continued support during the coming shows.