Editor, Williams Grove Steam Engine Assoc. BULLETIN 1710 Walnut
St., Camp Hill, Pa.
More than 100,000 persons were on hand for the 8-day program
marking the Fourth Annual Meet of the Williams Grove Steam Engine
Association, according to an announcement by George F. Fawber, New
Cumberland, Pa., Secretary-Treasurer of the organization. The
which cut the crowds considerably.
A total of 32 steam traction engines, including four portables,
all of them working, were on display, plus thirty-three gasoline
and oil-pull tractors. All were working at various jobs from
pumping water to plowing fields. Contests, such as tug-of-war and
teeter-totter drew much applause from the visitors.
A new addition to the show this year was the Railroad Division,
under the supervision of Al Herr. Two working locomotives, a 0-6-0,
numbered 5, and built in 1902, and an 0-4-0 saddle tanker, both
formerly used at the old
Central Iron & Steel Company in Harrisburg, Pa., attracted
thousands, many of whom were permitted short rides in the cab over
a short stretch of newly-laid rail.
All types of Farm Machinery, including more than half-a-hundred
old-time gas engines, most of them working pieces of various
equipment like corn shellers, cement mixers, etc., also came in for
intimate inspection by the crowds, as did the sawmill, shingle mill
and a lathe mill.
Still another attraction was the ‘old-time home museum’
arranged and! conducted by Ed Yeager, Curly Graham and Paul Keller.
This plus the Ladies’ Auxiliary display and a trading post
rounded out the excellent show.