Cottonwood, Minnesota
On August 3rd and 4th, 1963, Cottonwood, Minnesota, celebrated
its 75th Anniversary. A varied program of entertainment was put on
for a great number of people who came ‘home’ for the
Of great interest was the Old Time Threshing exhibit by K. A.
John Klausler, another veteran thresher man of Cotton-wood. Both
Mr. Thompson and Mr. Klausler were successful threshers and
business men and saw the great change from the small crude
threshers and engines of pioneer days to the large wing fed
machines in use until the combines took over.
Also present was George D. Winter of Pipestone, Minnesota and
that master craftsman Ted Lange of Hector, Minn. with their model
Case engines. Pictures of these engines have appeared in recent
issues of the Album. Both of these engines were belted to threshers
of appropriate size for their rating and received a great deal of
favorable comment.
Everyone knows what Knute Thompson and sons did for our 75th. He
brought back memories of the past with his ancient iron horses and
well restored machines of various descriptions. Thousands of people
took in the Threshing Bee during the two days and memories were
brought back to lots of the old timers. Our heartiest thanks go out
to Knute for his tremendous contribution to our 75th.
Knute Thompson old time exhibits: 1913 nine horse Case Steam
Engine. This engine was purchased from Mr. Gilmore of Frederic,
Wisconsin. In the earlier years it used to furnish power for
threshing and later it was used to furnish steam for the Creamery
at Frederic, Wisc. Knute reconstructed the machine adding the
canopy, coal and water bunks, new boiler jacket, rubber tires,
headlight and bell.
Case threshing machine designed in 1888. This machine is a Case
Horse powered, 24 inch hand feed, straw carrier grain separator.
This machine was originally purchased about 75 years ago by the
late Cyriel Paradis of Fairview Township. This machine was used for
many years powered by several teams of horses. Mr. Thompson
remodeled this separator to a tractor powered machine.
Case A 6 combine converted to a hand feed and straw carrier
Home made steam engine made by Mr. Thompson.
Model T Ford rebuilt with air cooled engine.
Single row corn cultivator with wooden beams. This cultivator
about 70 years old.
Emerson fanning mill, Kicker type wild oats separator.
Gilpin riding cart which convert walking plows to riding.
Dog tread power which furnished power for things like churning
butter and washing clothes and some old time washing machines.