On a wet and cloudy morning of Sept. 2 the fifth annual reunion
of ‘The Rock River Thresheree’ opened its gates in
readiness of another show. The parking lots were wet and soggy as
well as the fields. Cars were stuck engines were mired in the mud.
Some tents were partially down due to an early rain and wind storm.
driveways. Soon the park became alive with spectators, the sky
cleared soon afterward, the ground dried off and everyone smiled
On this morning of Sept. 2 A. M., ‘The Dedication’ of
the park took place, with the Rev. Holiday of Edgerton present,
speaking briefly. Miss Ruth Reiner, of Cambridge sang ‘Our
National Anthem’ as four Boy Scouts unfolded the Flag, and
slowly raised it to the top. For a moment it remained motionless,
then with just a whisper of a breeze, unfurled and gently waved
over what is to be known as ‘Threshermans Park’. This event
we shall long remember, and cherish forever in our hearts. Our sole
purpose in the development of this park, is for the
‘preservation’ and’ restoration” of the
implements of agriculture of some century or less ago. We feel many
will benefit, learning of its existence and its use. To some it is
entertaining, others educational.
In the early winter months of 1961, a dream had become a
reality. Two parcels of land were available for purchase, to be
developed in to a permanent park. A 65 acre parcel of land was
purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Grob. Another 5 acre parcel
adjoining the Grob property was purchased from Martin Bro’s.,
thus giving the club some 70 acres, to develop in to a permanent
park and show grounds.
Came spring, about 25 acres were plowed and sowed to oats, so we
would have our grain to thresh at. the park come show time. This
was later placed in stacks, to give that old fashioned threshing
In June we started to clean up the park, what a mess, broken
down trees, long grass and weeds, trees to be trimmed, stumps to be
removed, an old basement to be filled in, the well had to be
repaired. Many hours of hard work went into this project, yet no
one receives any pay.
After the cleanup came the task of wiring. Used poles were
obtained, once erected wiring was purchased, funds being made
available thru funds donated by some of the Directors. A sincere
thanks to Glen Beedy, of Beloit, Wisc., our chief electrician who
gave a great deal of his time to do the job. A real swell guy.
In the late summer, the wives of the directors and members,
organized their own auxiliary. At the show they operated a lunch
stand, as well as selling fancy work and novelties. They done
wonderful. Bless their little (pea picking hearts) what would we do
without them??
Before the show a permanent exhibit was delivered to the park by
Peter Burno, of Deforest, Wisc., president of our club. The exhibit
is a 70 ton steam pile driver, the tower rising almost 100 feet
skyward. A landmark that can be seen for miles. Pete has completely
restored this rig, and operated it during the show. Driving 40 foot
logs deep into the ground, much to the delight of the many
Sunday, Sept. 3rd, was a very hot beautiful day, much to the
delight of everyone. Activities were coming to life, the aroma of
food being prepared to serve the hungry spectators. Now and then a
whiff of smoke mixed with steam, would fill the air. Everything
ready for a busy day.
Just ahead of us a large ‘Nichols & Shepard’ backing
into the belt at the saw mill owned by Si. Havey of Madison, Wisc.
Ready to saw into boards, some choice cherry and walnut logs, later
to be used in the repair and restoring of antique furniture.
Over to the west side of the park, the 1890 Jumbo is getting
lined up to a case hand feed separator owned by Sayre & Horton,
Edgerton, Down a ways a 65 horse case is plowing operated by
Francis Reiner of Cambridge. This ground will be sown to winter
wheat, next year’s threshing grain. Yes, here we have
everything. A helicopter gives rides.
On the way back a drag saw is busy sawing block wood, this has
been in the Richard Carter family since 1885. Already Pete has
steam up on Derick No. 1, ready to place logs over to the saw mill.
The stage coach and four horses owned by Alf Barlass, Janesville,
plus the many rides for the kiddies, adds to the amusement of the
It is high noon now. Many acres of the park area is filled with
cars, a tremendous crowd has filled the park, ready to participate
in the fun and festivities of an old time threshing bee. John Achey
of Dresser, Wisc., was with us the three days of our show. John
spent most of his time at the microphone, directing activities
about the show for the convenience of the spectators. Also met some
very fine folks from the ‘Northern Illinois Steam
Mr. Rollie Spenberg, from W. R. E. X. TV, Rockford, Illinois,
was present to entertain us with his magic. At 2 P. M. a very
honored guest arrived directly from Washington, D.C., Congressman
Schadaberg, to greet every one and to speak to the many people
gathered around the arena.
The parade is just starting. First to pass the viewing stand is
a 16 horse Jumbo of 1890 vintage by Pete Burno, Deforest. Clear and
distinct rings the voice of John Achey at the microphone, as he
gives the description and history of each engine as it passes.
Fred Chapman and three grandsons as they pass with their Reeves,
next Ray Klinger with his Keck Gonnerman, a larger Jumbo by Ferd.
Rodau. In came a 1910 Mogul and a Aultman-Taylor by Helgersen, a
very snappy Port Huron operated by Wm. Bretherst, Lodi. A steam
racer by Harry Schel from Blue River, as well as many steam engines
not mentioned.
There were many old tractors such as the Samson, Titan, Oil
Pull, San-dusky, Eagle, Case, also a Fairbanks Morse, a rare one.
As the parade draws to an end another event is about to begin,
something new, a Pony pulling contest, staged only the second time
in So. Wisconsin, Ed Hackbarth in charge. These ponies weigh from
500 to 700 lbs. It was a thrill as thousands watched on the side
lines to see the best team pull a stone boat weighing 2,385
This contest will again be staged next year, only bigger and
better. Also added will be one of the finest horse show and roping
contests presented anywhere.
To add more color the Indians from the Wisconsin Dells were
present with their baskets and jewelry. Later in the day they
entertained the spectators with their dancing in full dress, very
colorful indeed. Down in the arena can be heard the shouts and
laughter of the spectators as 100 men and boys try to out-pull a
steam engine.
A final tour of the park calls my attention to an old Keystone
Hand check corn planter, 1845 model. A prairie roller, hand hewn
out of logs, an 1840 model, also a reaper and a tread mill, as well
as many more primitives.
As the show draws to a close many still linger on, as for the
most of us, very tired. Yet it was worth every bit of it.
A sincere thanks to all the fine folks who attended our show and
helped make it a success.