Rough and Tumble 1989

By Fred Fox
Published on March 1, 1990
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Fordson was the featured tractor at R & T this year.
Fordson was the featured tractor at R & T this year.
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Rick Gochenaur, center, shows off his well-driller.
Rick Gochenaur, center, shows off his well-driller.
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Special visitor, fire pumper from the Fire Museum of Maryland.
Special visitor, fire pumper from the Fire Museum of Maryland.
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The always popular steam games at the 1989 Rough and Tumble show. All photos by Gail Knauer.
The always popular steam games at the 1989 Rough and Tumble show. All photos by Gail Knauer.

233 County House Road Clarksboro, NJ 08020

Be ye ware and take ye heed, For Murphy’s Law is true
indeed. Wednesday of the reunion we got bad priming problems and
small pieces of rust collecting in the valves of the feed pump and
injector check valve. That evening I took the pump home to Jersey
and rebuilt it. Returned Thursday morning and fitted it back, then

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