Rough & Tumble Show

By Fred Fox
Published on May 1, 1984
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''And the grain separates from the straw and chaff.''
''And the grain separates from the straw and chaff.''
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Paul Stoltzfus's Westing house doing a little fanning.
Paul Stoltzfus's Westing house doing a little fanning.
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Gas tractors lining up for their panoramic photograph.
Gas tractors lining up for their panoramic photograph.
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Bruder band organ exhibited by Mr. Markey of Dallastown.
Bruder band organ exhibited by Mr. Markey of Dallastown.

233 County House Road, Clarksboro, New Jersey 08020

One thing will go down in history, and that is the reunion being
the hottest one yet. The weather did not deter the folks who came
for we were blessed with many visitors and exhibitors. The official
opening stated 10 a.m. but folks were there before that. Machinery
was put in operation each day by 10:30 a.m. and by noon whistle our

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