1137 N. Broadway, New Phila., Ohio
Another copy of your ulusterus magazine was placed in my hands
by brother Stansberry (he’s still in good standing) and I just
couldn’t pass the urge to write. I would have done it before
but most publications use that man Websters words and also its
diocritacal marks. Now the writer of this magazine is just an old
past the day of any usefulness and could put in
lots of time writing experiences but I don’t agree with that
man Webster, any one of us knows in the thrashing and similar
business you have to learn the rule one and learn it first, iffin
some thin break ‘fix if and get it repaired when time will
permit, Now Webster is not an engineer by any standard ‘you
either do it this way’ or its not according to Hoywell. I never
learned any Latin words except Nux Vomica – Parragorick and may be
Stums liniment, these I remember from the bottles in a drug store
and Greek I can only quote Rossa Beef – Veel Stue – spizsgetta and
supe this I learned from a restaurant keeper who always had it and
I don’t care how Webster quotes from the Latin or Greek he has
the idea he’es good. now you look up his very own works and see
iffin you can make head or tail of his ‘Threshing’ then
look up his works on thrashing, He’s a double meaner and means
just the same when it comes to getting grain out of the hull. but
do it educationally instead of sweating it out like you do when you
thrash, Id like to see anybody hull barley with a spelling
The remarks in your magazine about the old timers and them that
is resurrected brings back a wonderful feeling of youth and young
manhood, I love memories, Onct we had a engine the front door being
busted off and the paint on the tanks long since a dull iron color
I never did learn the
name, and I remember that feller down in Martins Ferry what
could cast new things if you had all the pieces of the old one, how
he did it that was his business and he new how to run it, and I
remember the first all new rubber belt I ever saw, you couldn’t
keep it on a pulley with boards or anything else but you mix up a
batch of rosum lard, and beez wax and rub it in well and it would
drag any huller right up to her boozum iffin something stuck in or
about the huller. Badger maybe would be a good name for old
Faithful because
iffin you went across some soft spots or a little brook or run,
sent for the team – old faithful could bury her hind quarters below
land level in less time than it takes to write it, and keep digging
till shut off. Once we had a bit of trouble with the injector, Our
mud here is of the gumbo variety and is not dissolvable in water,
and it was supposed some gumbo had somehow got in the innards of
the atomizer part of the injector, some one took the stuff inbox
nut off the side where the faucet is and when that was put back it
made a spray about 4 feet in diameter and as the sun shined on it
it made any fireworks pinwheel ashamed with the spluttering and the
rain bow colors it thrower off.
Old Faithful was a wonderful engine and I have had experiences
that maybe some of you had. Why don’t you tell them in the
paper it would be interesting what happened and how.
Ever make a cylinder head out of a oak board???