This convention, and our Club also boasts of some fine models.
Robert Nelson and son put on a fine show with their one-fifth size
Case, and Morris Genshaw with his 1′ scale Case. Then there
were about 15 stationery engines all in operation by their owners,
Victor Potts, Melvin Shetler, Wesley Trathen, and Morris
This convention has seen the Saginaw Valley Live Steam
Association crawl now watch us walk next year. Already we have
started laying plans for a two-day, much larger convention for
Now that you have read about our convention we would again like
to extend an open invitation to any Live Steamer in or around Flint
or those passing through Flint, to attend our monthly meeting held
the 3rd Saturday of every month. Just call or write J. Bullock,
5309 Susan Street, Flint, Michigan.