Seaside Heights, New Jersey 08751
The Shenandoah Valley Steam and Gas Engine Association held its
annual show at the Ruritan Club show grounds in Berryville,
Virginia as usual, the last weekend in July. However, there was one
big difference this year, and that was the weather. After several
years of good luck, this year our biggest day, Sunday, came out
Our first day, Friday went off fairly well, with Frank Anderson
and his crew getting the threshing and sawmills ready, while Paul
Giles got the shingle mill operating, and the other exhibits set
up. Most of the last minute hauling was completed and the engines
were fired up by their respective owners and engineers. Our engines
consisted of Geiser, Case, Frick, and Russell, along with models
and homemade engines of various sizes and styles.
The flea market was in operation as usual, with both sales
booths and craft displays set up both inside and outside our 3
large buildings. Our gas tractor display was made up of many makes
this year, all operating at one time or another. The small gas
engines were popping and missing as usual, with many actually
belted up to antique machinery of the type they were originally
designed to power. Among the makes of large gas tractors on display
were Hart-Parr, Moline, Fordson, International, John Deere, and
many more. Mrs. Schaefer was at her book and novelty stand taking
subscriptions to the many magazines, and the Ruitan Club was
providing their fine food as usual. Of course, the model engine
building was filled, both with gas and steam engine models.
Mr. E. J. Hottel of Haymarket, Virginia gives some of our young
visitors a ride on his fine Geiser ‘Peerless’ engine at the
1978 Shenandoah Valley Steam show, Berryville, Virginia
Saturday was a good day, but a bit threatening at times. The
sawmill and threshing machines were in operation, along with the
shingle mill, and many more exhibits, including the antique power
parade, rides, and other demonstrations. One of the favorites was
the demonstration of hauling logs by oxen. This has been a part of
our show for a couple of years now and has been very popular. It is
seldom today that you can see a team of oxen actually at work.
Saturday evening featured our big attraction, the draft horse
pull. This event has proven very popular each time we have been
able to have it, and once again it was. The grandstand was filled,
and many stood two or three deep along the rail of the track.
Sunday dawned with some promise, but by noon the situation began
to look bad. However, the show must go on so activity was started.
But no sooner had the sawmill gotten into operation, than the rain
did the same. This was a great disappointment to all, but beyond
anyone’s control. All we can do is hope for better luck this
Despite the disappointment you may be sure we will all be in
there trying for a better show this summer, so plan on being with
us July 27, 28, and 29 for a good show.