15700 Santini Road, Burtonsville, Maryland 20730.
Our 14th Annual Steam and Gas Engine show was held on the last
full weekend in July as usual, the 26th, 27th and 28th. We always
try to have the show the last weekend in July, Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday. We have our show at the Ruitan Club horse show grounds,
one mile west of Berryville Va., on Rt. # 7. The grounds are well
good rest rooms. We also have the use of many fine covered
buildings for our flea markets and exhibits. The Ruitan club is in
the process of erecting two more enclosed buildings, one of which
will be a fully air conditioned kitchen and banquet hall. They will
be a beautiful addition to the grounds.
I and about 6 to 10 of the workers, engineers and helpers, have
always found space in one of the sheds to camp, cook, and park a
couple of cars. This is where Sheldon Jones of Hyatts town, Md.,
always sets up his portable foundry. We are one of the few shows to
have a foundry in operation, and Sheldon is frequently called on to
stop casting souvenirs and make a part for a gas tractor, steam
engine, or car. Due to the expansion of the flea market, we may
lose our precious shelter next year. If you see a big pile of
greasy bums sleeping under a big oak tree, it will just be us.
The display of large traction engines was about the same as last
year, with Geiser, Frick, Garr-Scott and Aultman-Taylor
represented. The Farquhas was not with us, but was replaced by a
Frick and a Geiser portable that had not been with us before.
Instead of my 20 hp., which has been here the last several years, I
brought my newest toy. It is an Aultman-Taylor 8 hp bevel gear,
engine #6396. It and the 1884 Garr-Scott are a nice little pair. I
wanted to get the two of them together for a picture, but the owner
of the Garr-Scott and I did not get together in time. I just got it
home four weeks before the show, and did not get out of the
hospital until a week later. However, with the help of my excellent
young engineer, Joe Newton, age 14, of Randallstown, Md., it was
ready and able. It is 8 hp., serial #6396, and was purchased from
Mr. Fred Gray, of Vinton, Va. If anyone can give me any of the
history of this engine, please write me and I will reply promptly.
Little Joe, as I call him deserves a lot of credit as he does more
at the show and knows more about steam than many of our older
engineers. We are blessed at Berryville with many young engineers
who are learning and they are becoming quite proficient. Amongst
them are Wayne Beerum, Sheldon Jones, and about 8 or 10 more.
Our fine President, Mr. Wayne God love, had things well
organized. Our hauling seemed to be much less of a problem, and the
weatherman co-operated by calling for a beautiful Saturday and
Sunday. His call was answered. We had an excellent gas engine
display, as usual. Our tractor, model, and antique car display was
also very good.
Our well experienced thresher man, Mr. Frank Anderson,
supervises the setting of one of our threshers at the Shenandoah
Valley Show, 1974. Courtesy of William E. Hall, 15700 Santini Road,
Burtonsville, Maryland 20730
Our village blacksmith was in operation as usual, and proved his
skill when my guide chain broke Friday morning. A new link was
quickly made and installed in the old time way. Our shingle mill,
sawmill, thresher and other equipment was in operation all three
days. The official car for the parades and show, a 1930 Cadillac 7
passenger limousine powered by a V-16 engine was provided by Tom
Ackerman of Waretown, N.J. It was used for transportation for our
young and attractive secretary, Miss Linda Giles and others, and
was driven by one of our young engineers, Wayne Beerum, of Silver
Spring, Md. I wonder why Linda always rides up front with the
chauffeur? I lost my engineer several times also. Bill Sprouse,
Crozet, Va. that is a beautiful Case engine you bring every year,
but your daughters are sabotaging our young engineers.
As usual, our Board of Directors and Officers did a fine job.
The rail road was in operation again, as was our helicopter rides.
Mr. & Mrs. Shaeffer were on hand as usual, with their stand for
books, magazines, and souvenirs.
The Ruitan club provided us with good food service as usual. The
officers, I, and my fellow directors wish to thank ail of those who
displayed, helped and worked. Our annual banquet and election of
officers is tentatively set for Saturday night, November 2nd in
Winchester, Va. For additional information contact Miss Linda
Giles, Rt. #1, Box 97, Bunkerhill, W. Va. If you can’t make the
banquet put our show for next year, July 25, 26, and 27, 1975 and
come enjoy some southern hospitality.