Rock Valley, Iowa
ON PAGE 19 OF THE Sept.-Oct., 1957 issue of the ALBUM you have a
picture of a Stewart Shock Loader taken in 1945 by Bernard Dale,
Brier crest, Saskatchewan, Canada, with the statement that that is
the first shock loader you ever had in the ALBUM.
It so happens that two threshing machine operators near Rock
two machines in July, 1957. These machines are about 12 miles
apart. The closest loader loaded that load when the picture was
taken in 4 minutes. This operator uses four racks. Size of floor
rack is 10’x20′, the low side about 2′ and the high
side 5′.
When they drive to separator they place the low side to the
machine. Wagons facing opposite from the other and unloading done
from both wagons. Two spike pitchers help unload. This machine is
operated by Andrew Van Kekerix, he has a run 8 miles northwest of
Rock Valley, Iowa.
The other loader has a run east and south of Rock Valley and is
operated by Lem Bros., of Rock Valley. They run six wagons that are
about 8’xl6′ and the sides are 3′ on low side and
5′ on high side.
On the low side they have a hinged door which is opened when
unloading and the bundles are slid unto a feeder lying flat on the
ground and run by an electric motor using juice generated from the
tractor so this feeder can be set at a slant if necessary. In other
words it does not need to be lined up with the separator. This
ground lying feeder moves bundles to the separator feeder and is
about 20 feet long. It lays between the separator and tractor.
These two shock loaders are somewhat different in design and
both were built by Lem Bros., Rock Valley, Iowa