By Jeff Smedsrud
Published on May 1, 1977
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Line up of steam engines at the Dalton, Minnesota Show. Photos courtesy of Milton Martinson, Box 196, Ashby, Minnesota 56309.
Line up of steam engines at the Dalton, Minnesota Show. Photos courtesy of Milton Martinson, Box 196, Ashby, Minnesota 56309.
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Rare 30 HP Rumely, only one known to be in running order in the U.S. To tell the 30 HP from the 25 HP Rumely, compare the distance between the cylinders and steam dome.
Rare 30 HP Rumely, only one known to be in running order in the U.S. To tell the 30 HP from the 25 HP Rumely, compare the distance between the cylinders and steam dome.

Moorhead St. University, Moorhead, Minnesota, 56560

When speaking of the 1976 Lake Region Pioneers Threshermens
Reunion, Ada Boone of Buffalo, Minnesota says, ‘It reminds me
of yesterday.’

A newcomer from Battle Lake, Minnesota, A. K. Botts, added,
‘I heard so much about it, I just had to come out and see it

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