The following is an account of the trip to the Early American
Steam Engine and Old Equipment Soc. show at Stewartstown, Pa. last
July, by several members of the Md. Steam Hist. Soc. Inc., Upperco,
‘The Stewartstown Safari’
Dear friends of steam please lend an ear
An interesting tale your’re going to hear
About some boys from here around
Who headed one Friday for Stewarts-town.
After much tugging to get on their loads
They now headed for the open roads Mt. Carmel Road was the place
to meet
Some were late because of the heat.
Finally they all did get together
And followed their leader despite the hot weather
On up the expressway they did go
Heading for the Stewartstown show.
That night after eating and enjoying the display
They all decided to call it a day
Then there followed much chat about steam
Until tired eyes no longer did gleam
Then it was decided for all to retire
They’d have to rise early in order to fire!
But alasnot all could go to sleep
Someone kept talking and awake they did keep
Then too, there seemed to be a clown Playing tricks on those
around Ask dear Walter what he found
As he lay his tired head down.
His pillow was not as soft as should be For there was something
under it you see!
(He’s still wondering who to sock for slipping in that hard,
hard block!)
At last these characters settled down And things were quiet in
Bright and early the next morn Even though no one sounded a horn
All were up early and on their feet They were hungry and wanted to
eat So all together they descended on the town
Went into a restaurant and sat themselves down.
After filling up, they decided to go Back to the grounds and the
big steam show.
Poor Walter again was tricked by the clown
He was very sure he had cut his steam down
But upon returning, alas he found, His little engine was jumping
all around
In conclusion we surely know The boys are very glad they did go
Anddespite the dust and bugs and heat
Despite the work and problems and tried feet
These fellows surely enjoyed their trip
Thanks to the wives for granting the permit.