Ramona, South Dakota 57054.
Things are tucked away at Prairie Village after one of the best
summers, and one of the biggest shows in our ten years of threshing
In Miniature Land we had the biggest displays of models ever
exhibited. We had two model sawmills. Lindy Lindeman of Dawson,
sawdust. Wendell Turner of Oakland, Iowa had his model sawmill and
model Case steamer sawing small logs and having a lot of fun. By
the way, he was voted the Best of the Show for the third year.
We had lots of nice model steamers and some hot-air engines.
Garret Havalaar from Hudson, South Dakota did a lot of threshing
with his model Avery thresher and his model of a 15-30 McCormick
Deering. You have a beautiful model, Garret.
Emil Jacobs of Smith Center, Kansas had his fine model Case
steamer threshing outfit doing a nice job of threshing. This is
another very fine model.
The fellows with the gas engines had a very big showing. They
were up in a new area out of the dust and in the shade of the
trees. There were engines from five states. Dick Geyer of DeSmet,
South Dakota had one of the biggest Stickney engines ever made, and
one of the last of its size known in existence. There were too many
other nice ones to name.
Down in the tractor area, we had the usual line of nice gas and
steam tractors running threshing and plowing and sawing lumber.
The Sunday parade was one of the biggest ever. Mr. and Mrs. T.
0. Bates of Waubay, South Dakota led off on their beautiful black
horses, followed by Don Presto on his 25-50 Avery, followed by all
sizes of gas and steam tractors, antique cars and trucks riding
horses and draft horses bringing up the rear. As if to see that the
rest made it was A. D. McCracken’s Nichols-Shepard 16-60
An added feature of this year’s show was a Flea Market and a
display of rocks and minerals by the Gem and Mineral Society of
Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Many other exhibits were on the grounds this year and we hope to
have more new ones next year.
Church service was held Sunday morning, as it has been held
every Sunday morning through the summer in the Prairie Village
School was held Friday and Saturday in the restored school
As usual, there was a line of people waiting to see the interior
of the sod house.
Many people visited the log house, the claim shanty, bank and
other restored buildings on the Prairie Village grounds.
Work has started to make next year a better year at Prairie
Village and to make next year’s show the best yet. Hope to see
you then.