Alvordton, Ohio
A preface to this brief report of the 1968 NTA Reunion is a
correction of the statement in THE STORY OF ANOTHER AVERY in the
last issue of the IRON MEN ALBUM, stating that the men who restored
the engine did it all as a ‘Labor of Love’, and were not
paid one cent. The owner Mr. Earle Davison saw to it that they were
used, besides the new flues, grates, paint, etc., etc. But the
‘Zeller Crew’ and Mr. Davison agree that the restored
engine is worth all the labor and expense.
Heavy and almost continuous spring rains before and during the
first day of the 1968 Reunion prevented the harvesting of the
winter barley contracted for the Reunion, cancelled the Friday
evening parade and restricted some engine operations. Nevertheless
the largest overall crowds and the greatest enthusiasm marked the
four-day NTA Reunion at the beautiful Fulton County Fairgrounds,
two miles north of Wauseon, Ohio, June 27-30.
The usual features of these Reunions marked this event, with the
traditional opening ceremony, saw-milling, hill climbing,
veneering, shingle-making, tests on four Baker fans, Prony brake,
etc. Four band concerts, parades, floats, programs and teas for the
ladies, annual memorial service and Sunday morning church service,
horseshoe tournament, antique cars and program, an unusually large
display of models, also antique farm machinery, steam engine and
other movies, and the awarding after the church service of the
Glenn L. Shepard award for ‘The Best-restored Engine of
1968’. Julius Hoffman won this award for his fine 18 HP Huber.
We are happy to announce that Mrs. Shepard will again offer this
award for ‘The Best-restored Engine of 1969’.
We are now looking forward to the 1969 Reunion, which will be
the 25th held since the first small gathering at the Blaker farm in
June, 1945. Many extra special features are being planned for this
‘The oldest Reunion and still one of the best’.
At the October NTA dinner meeting the following
Directors-at-Large were chosen: Charles and Paul Gar-man, Wauseon;
Walter Huffman, Wauseon; Julius Hoffman, Holgate; Harry Rau,
Monroe, Michigan; David Kemler, Alma, Michigan; Philip Hoffer,
Toledo; Mac Keller, Garrett, Indiana; Dan Heidi, Sandusky.