By Staff
Published on March 1, 1968
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40 feet of disc and harrowing - discing a full section of land. I am standing on the left side.
40 feet of disc and harrowing - discing a full section of land. I am standing on the left side.
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My Iowa Minneapolis rig at Sheldon, I am on the engine.
My Iowa Minneapolis rig at Sheldon, I am on the engine.
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This is my farm building in 1918. Here we are breaking ground south of the place.
This is my farm building in 1918. Here we are breaking ground south of the place.
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This is my big Case 110 and 40-64 Gaar-Scoot. We threshed all our grain right into the bins which held 2000 bushels of oats.
This is my big Case 110 and 40-64 Gaar-Scoot. We threshed all our grain right into the bins which held 2000 bushels of oats.

By M. VanDer Velde, Box 336, Dalemead, Alberta, Canada As I am a
reader of your most welcome magazine and an old thresherman, since
I started out when I was 14 and never missed a year till I was 76
(I am now 84), thought I would write of some of my experiences.

The last I used was the self propelled combine and now the
thresher and steam engine has all disappeared and we use almost all

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