By Margaret L. Lovely
Published on January 1, 1974
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Authoress sitting on the Avery after it had been dug out of six feet of snow and wooden frame placed beneath the engine so it could be placed on a stone boat built for the purpose of bringing the engine out.
Authoress sitting on the Avery after it had been dug out of six feet of snow and wooden frame placed beneath the engine so it could be placed on a stone boat built for the purpose of bringing the engine out.
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''She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes.'' - On the narrow trail cut by two cats to bring the Avery out. Courtesy of Margaret Lovely, Route # 2 Bear Canyon, Bozeman, Montana 59715
''She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes.'' - On the narrow trail cut by two cats to bring the Avery out. Courtesy of Margaret Lovely, Route # 2 Bear Canyon, Bozeman, Montana 59715
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Removing the ''small'' front wheels prior to bringing the Avery out of the mountains. The front and huge rear wheels were removed to lighten the load the two cats had to pull down the mountain. One cat pulled and the other held the massive load back from
Removing the ''small'' front wheels prior to bringing the Avery out of the mountains. The front and huge rear wheels were removed to lighten the load the two cats had to pull down the mountain. One cat pulled and the other held the massive load back from
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Some men only dream dreams. Others, such as Don Bradley of
Forsyth, Montana, make dreams become reality.

Don has realized his dream of eleven years of resurrecting the
old 18 ton giant Avery thirty horsepower steam engine from its
resting place at the 7000 foot level in the quiet forest at the
foot of majestic Mt. Ellis. The steam engine has slept for fifty

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