411 Ninth Avenue S. W., LeMars, Iowa
Well, time for some more good steam shows and seems as though
they are springing up all over the country. One never knew how many
of the old steamers there are around. Seems as if a person puts his
mind to finding one, a little looking in the right places will turn
up an old tractor of either the gas or steam age of a few years
I wish I could think of some of the old times to write about,
but I just can’t seem to make a story of my recollections of
the old times although I never had much to do with steam engines. I
did haul bundles for two years to a steam rig and one year to a
large Rumely Oil Pull and a large separator. I don’t remember
the size but I know it was a mighty hungry outfit. It kept 14
bundle teams pretty busy. The other falls I hauled bundles was to a
small 22-inch machine and only two bundle teams. That, brother, was
work. No rest between loads like with the big rigs; a little rest
while maybe one or two loads ahead. We still have a few farmers in
these parts that thresh but they are few and far apart.
The Gas Engine Magazine is really wonderful. When I get it, I
can’t lay it down till I been through it. Keep up the wonderful
work. I have about 50 gas engines, one John Deere D. and a 10-20 M.
D. I been doing a lot of playing around with. I also have a Massy
Harris pony tractor that I do garden work with. I call it my
money-making machine.