R. D. 1, Kearney, Missouri
The day Old Dobbin ran away and spilled the deacon and his wife
among the dusty roadside flowers there was no loss of human life.
But yesterday the deacon’s son was cruising with his lady fair
in father’s glossy limousine upon a busy thoroughfare.
The deacon let a slackened rein give dobbin leave to go his way
send it flying over hills and down into the rocky fields to bash
its doors and fenders in and bring big bills to pay.
He takes is 32inch Case separator with a gas tractor for his
neighbors, and leaves his oats until the last when we get out the
15-45 Case steamer. Then I go out and run it for him for the fun of
it and a good dinner each day. It took two days this year. The oats
crop around here was very light this year and is mostly harvested
by combine. I know the Wood Bros. book will be delightful reading
when it comes and am looking forward to it. Am hoping to go to
Pontiac and Mt. Pleasant, both next month and as always will be
pleased to see you.
LEONARD E. NEWTON, 1427 Elm Street, Grinnell, Iowa.