Here it is May-June issue and I know what that means already
many of the engines have been fired up and also the enthusiasm of
the fireman. Preliminary meetings before the big shows keep those
Iron-Men interested and busy as spring will fuse into summer and
the steam enthusiasts will be in their glory as they eke out show
after show and old friends and new.
Have some letters of interest so will get into them right away –
one from H. E. Clark, 2317 Upland Drive, Concord, California 94520
I get a lot of pleasure out of going over the past issues and I
have just about memorized them.
In answer to Anna Mae in Soot in the Flues in the July-August
1967 issue about railfence posts being burned, there was a lot of
rail fence being replaced with woven wire fence at that time. As I
remember the Page Woven Wire Fence was supposed to be Horse high,
Bull strong and Pig tight, so the old rail fence was cut up for
fire wood in the kitchen range except some was left full length for
the threshers and we had to cut it up ourselves. One spring I ran a
16 H.P. Port Huron Engine with a buzz saw attached to the front end
of the boiler and we cut rails as well as other wood. In the
March-April issue of this year Mrs. Baber told how to make Corn Cob
Jelly, when I was a boy my cousin took a course in cooking at
Michigan State College and she came home and made syrup out of Corn
Cobs it had a Maple flavor and was good on hot cakes. She is 92
years old now and lives in Lansing, Michigan and I have written and
asked her if she remembers how to make it and if she will send me
the recipe. Best wishes for I.M.A. for 1968.’
That’s a new one to me, for I’ve never heard of Corn Cob
Jelly, just like I didn’t think they burned the rail fence
posts, course then I didn’t hear of steam traction engines
until I knew Elmer and became an Iron-Men Album family member.
(Shows how young I am – ha ha).
An inspiring letter from Gregory Hoesli, 752 McCollum, 1800
Ergel Road, Lawrence, Kansas goes like this: ‘In an age when a
premium is placed on progress which doesn’t seem to be in
itself good, it is a relief to read your magazine which looks
backward to see where our heritage is. I am twenty years old and am
studying to be a traction engine engineer, probably one of the
I am a protege of Ralph Fuller of Minneapolis, Kansas and have
been the separator man for him on occasion. I am attending the U.
of Kansas and saving to buy an engine soon (having already a
28′ separator). I thought your readers might like to hear that
some young people do take an interest. I would welcome letters from
any experienced engineers.’
I know a letter like this is an inspiration to you old timers
and not so old-timers for I’m sure you all wish to stir
interest in the younger folks coming behind so they will carry on
in the future. So drop Greg a line Fellow she’ll appreciate
And from Catlin Creek Machine Shop, Florence, Kansas, Mr. Catlin
writes us: ‘In the Jan-Feb. Iron-Men Album on page 36, a
certain party says it is a waste of time and money to build steam
engine models of ‘ and 1/3 scale size and they are toys. I say
they are intended to be playthings. A small engine can be fired up
with an armload of wood, where a large engine needs coal and lots
of it.
He says to build an engine with a boiler 30′ in diameter, an
engine of that size could not be built with the tools available in
an ordinary shop as the 65 Case has a boiler 32′ in
It is easy to criticize models that the other guy builds, but to
build one yourself is quite another matter. I have built five model
steam engines in my time from 1/6′ size to size and I know what
it takes to build an engine.’
Personally, here again, I am no authority on the subject, but I
think whatever pleases the builder and is within his means and
gives him enjoyment in this hobby is fine after all we can’t
all like the same things wouldn’t it be a dull world?
Kirby Warner of Liberty Center, Ohio 43532 writes us that he
enjoys reading about old times in the ALBUM brings back many
memories to him and Kirby is 88 years young. We’re happy we can
add to his enjoyment in his retiring years. As he stated: I started
threshing in 1896 with portable engine, hand feed and straw carrier
and indept. stacker. The farmer hauled the tanks.
Then, my last steamer was a 65 Hp. Case and 36-54 Separator,
Birdsell Huller, 19 in. paper ens. cutter Port Huron saw mill. I
used steam till 1925 then used tractor and 20-40 Oil Pull then the
combines took over so I bought a combine 1948. I have a miniature
rig as I bought the engine built the separator and tank.’ Nice
to hear from you Kirby! Hope you enjoy our ALBUM and family for
many seasons.
Mr. Lyman Matthews, C/O Dustan Matthews, 1302-6th Ave., N. E.,
R.R. 2, Aberdeen, South Dakota 57401 is interested in information
on the Bryant engine. He states: ‘I am sure about 10 or 15
years ago the ALBUM had a good picture of a Bryant steam engine
that could be easily taken for an ordinary gas tractor as it was
built a lot like the Stanley and other steam autos were built, and
sounds like a good steamer. I am sure the picture was near the
front of the magazine. I think there is supposed to be one of those
engines in southern part of S. Dakota and I am sure it is kept for
exhibit, but I don’t know how to locate it. I cannot find my
Iron-Men Album with the picture and suppose it was one of several
borrowed and I did not get it back. Believe me I would be happy to
learn more of this Bryant Steamer.’
Could any of you fellows help Lyman Matthew with this
information. I’m printing this, because I know many of you
fellows know about where these articles are or have memorized the
information wanted as for me it takes hours to hunt for these
articles past printed and then sometimes it seems they just
can’t be found so perhaps some of you ol-timers could help him
with the information he is seeking.
That’s about it for this time Friends and as we look forward
to Easter let’s all keep faith in the future for there are many
dark clouds hanging over us at this time, but then I think as we
look back through history it has always been this way. But we must
never forget that we as Christians are to live our lives so as to
influence others – we cannot only hope and pray for peace and a
better world -we must do something about it actively-set an example
for we never know when or whom we are influencing and right now we
are in the Lenten Season and should be more enthusiastic about
renewing our way of Life and try endlessly to make ourselves better
individuals. Enough rambling on and may you all experience a
Blessed Easter Season and may the joy of Easter continue throughout
the year for you and in closing, I’m going to use a poem
entitled ‘The Joy Of Easter’ written by our good friend and
inspirational poet, Lloyd Carleton Shank. It goes’.
‘Because Hive ye, too, shall live! ‘Is the Saviour’s
promise true, And this Easter day God’s children say, ‘We
pledge our lives a-new To Him Whose resurrection brings A hungering
for eternal things.’