Hi! May I chat a while with you . . How’ve you been since
last magazine time? Are you busy getting ready for Christmas??? I
realize this is the January-February issue, but you’ll be
getting it round that busy season when there are so many things to
do, but aren’t you glad we do have the customs we have and all
the preparations for the wonderful Birthday of Jesus. I love it all
to chat a while with you but I consider you all my friends and
I’m going to be very frank I can’t seem to get my thoughts
connected and write an appropriate column matter of fact never did
consider myself a writer. This is always a difficult job for me,
for I’d like to make it interesting for all, and as you realize
I don’t know much about STEAM when it comes to making shop talk
so I must write of the things of which I am most familiar my family
and friends. All this brings me to why I can’t seem to get this
column together.
Just a few weeks ago I lost a close friend, one whom I loved
very dearly. She was only 35 and a most wonderful person. We had
gone through school together and after that we had many happinesses
and adversities to share with each other you know the kind of
friend I mean, or I hope you do, for I feel my life had been
enriched to have had such a friend. But I’m still asking WHY
and knowing I have no right to question these things. And I
don’t want to go morbid on you — I realize we all have our own
problems to face, but I’d like to print a prayer she wrote
several years ago, which ironically is helping me at this time.
Perhaps it will help you — here it is:
Help us to remember our joys and not our sorrows,
Help us to think of our needs and not our wants,
Help us to be mindful of our blessings and not our prayers that
seemingly go unanswered,
Help us to remember the sunshine and not the rain,
Help us to think of others rather than ourselves,
Help us to look up and not down.
Remind us of what we are, rather than what we might have
Arlene Hull
–I think it’s beautiful!–and now onto business, for life
must go on.
I’ve had quite a bit of correspondence on the ad sent in by
a Beny Lingknoski of Gary, Minnesota. Many thought I had printed
the address wrong, but upon checking, it is exactly as received in
the mail so there is nothing we can do unless we hear from Beny
himself. Sorry!
I want to send greetings to Paul Crossen who is now in the
University Veterans Hospital at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Perhaps
you folks would like to send him a card. He’s been ill for
quite a while, but loves the ALBUM and I’m sure he would be
happy to hear from some steam fans. And you take it easy, Paul, and
get better so you can get to the Steam Reunions next summer.
Another problem I’ve mentioned before is the pictures and
stories you folks send along. We like them, we appreciate them and
hope to use them but we just can’t get them all in a few issues
and consequently there are many hurt feelings and
misunderstandings. We do not toss anything in the waste basket as
many of you think we do unless it is a picture too blurred to
print, and we have had very few of this type. We’re doing our
best to get a variety in each time and trying to please our
IRON-MEN FAMILY — so keep watching, your pictures and letters may
make it one of these times, we hope so as much as you desire
I get many letters asking what back issues we have so if you
will look under Classified Ads this time you will find the ones we
have available. Hope they’re the ones you’re looking for to
complete your files.
Well, that’s about it for this time and in ending I’d
like to leave a few thoughts with you. Peace is not made at the
council tables, nor by treaties, but in the hearts of men … It is
better to be short of cash than short of character. . . What your
conscience says about you is more important than what the neighbors
say about you . . One’s true religion is the life he lives, not
the creed he professes . . . The surest way to have happiness and
peace of mind is to give them to somebody else . . . success
consists of getting up just one more time than you fall.
Bye-bye God bless you in the New Year ahead.