Well, here I am trying to write the new 1964 Jan.-Feb. column
and I’m in the throes of my very first cold for the fall of
1963 and so bleary-eyed and miserable I’ll say ‘Scuse be –
if it don’t soud right – it’s de cod.’
And before I forget it, let me wish you and yours all a very
wonderful Holiday season, — we gripe and are mean all year about
love for our fellowman and want to wish every one well as the New
Year appears.
We are here in the Branyan household busy as ever anticipating
the coming season, having just gone through the Halloween time and
making the costumes (its such an important time for the little
ones) and then there was the PTA Play and mother had to really work
fast and furious to get things done, for she couldn’t and
didn’t want to say ‘No’ when asked to take a part in
the western play. She portrayed, nonetheless a sort of dance-hall
gal something like the gals on ‘Gunsmoke’ and having no
appropriate costume I had to make the whole regalia, dress, hat,
purse, and parasol. We had a lot of fun – bet a lot of you good
steam friends didn’t know I am a ‘ham’ at heart. You
would have been proud of me (or ashamed) for the dress was bright
red, trimmed in black and white polka dots and of course the
make-up was heavy-I was supposed to be sexy and glamorous-
don’t know though – I’m a bit overweight and had the
feeling maybe I looked more like a fire-engine. And to top it off,
one of the nights I had a most embarrassing moment when my black
lace stocking slipped the garter and slid down – it was quite an
uncomfortable few minutes, but everything turned out all right and
we had a great laugh about the whole thing-one of the cast,
kiddingly asked, ‘What do you do for an encore?’ – I
don’t want you folks to think this was anything riske’ or
out of order, it was a very clean play and presented for PTA, and
we weren’t being off color, but the stocking incident really
happened. Well enough for the home front, I have more important
things for you to peruse.
First of all, many of you people have written about the
White’s Models and we’re happy to tell you they are now
available at this address: White’s Model Shoppe, Martin
Peterson, Successor, 2500 10th St., St. Cloud, Fla. Mr. and Mrs.
Peterson stopped here recently and are enthused with their new work
and I’m sure will be happy to fill your orders. They are lovely
Had a letter from Glen J. Miller, 529 Main St., Ames, Iowa and
he writes, ‘Just read the November issue and on Page 37 the
tractor is the Gas Traction Engine Co. of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I
have a 1910 sales book on them.’
And from Edwin Bredemeir of Bur chard, Nebraska we hear,
‘The tractor pictured on bottom of page 38 in Nov.-Dec. issue
is a 20-40 Case of 1915 vintage.’
And another from Clarence Morgan, Route 4 of Memphis. Missouri _
he tell us ‘On page 38, Nov.-Dec. Album is a picture of a
tractor you want to know the make, and year it was manufactured. I
would have to call it a Case 40 horse gas or kerosene. They were
first built in 1912 or 13. It is a double cylinder opposed engine
8×9. They were real good tractors. I saw a few in the late teens. I
have a 1914 Case catalogue showing this tractor. (I think you
people like to read these excerpts we get on the pictures, so if
you disagree or would care to write to the men, I’m sure they
would be glad to hear from you.) THEN – there is a letter from
Harmon Liechty,Sr., 2400 Morton Ave. Elkhart, Indiana and you read
it and maybe some of you steam folks could make him a bit happier.
It reads, ‘I, in the last 2 years have gotten interested in
steam and oil tractors. I am in the hospital in Elkhart. I would
like to have pictures and information on as many engines for an
Album of my own as I am poor and can’t afford one of these
beauties. Can anyone help me? This is the first I’ve been able
to write in 2 months. If you have any pictures I’d appreciate
them. I love to go to the steam shows.’ Mr. Liechty is 27 years
old and has three children. So perhaps you can help cheer him up. I
know there are many of you folks who enjoy taking the pictures and
giving some to interested people. We here at the Album wish Harmon
a speedy recovery, and many pictures for his album.
AND a Card of Thanks from Ray M. Ernst of Wayland, Iowa who
says, ‘I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my fine good
friends, who sent me flowers, cards and letters and all who visited
me while I was in the hospital.’ We’re glad Ray is getting
along just fine and can get outside and look at the engines.
And here is a request — see if you can help E. B. Crowell, 243
Lupton, Waterloo, Iowa. He writes, ‘I have an Illinois Steam
Engine and don’t know anything about their history. About how
many years and how many engines were built? Mine is supposed to be
a 1923, but a man that worked there at one time told me that
company was shut down before then. I can not find anything on it
that looks like a serial number, — Can you tell me where to look
for it?’ So if you can help Mr. Crowell, drop him a line.
And I think I’ve rambled on enough for this time and of
course, I couldn’t end my column without a few quotes- A river
is powerful because many drops of water have learned the secret of
cooperation.—He who gives when he is asked had waited too long-
If you pray for rain, be sure to carry an umbrella—A mountain
shames a molehill until both are humbled by the stars.
That’s it for now, and God bless you and do have a Merry
Christmas! We still really do have many reasons to have joy in our