One thing I’ll never get used to here it is time for the
January-February issue to be put out and as I look around I can see
the silly grin on the one pumpkin face we hollowed out and the
scary look of the other and across the way I can smelf the leaves
burning because some industrious neighbor is out putting their yard
in order oh well, I always figure those leaves are good fertilizer
you don’t get them raked. Seems I get less done the older I get
have been keeping the doctors in business though lately what with
one thing and another spent a week again in the hospital in
September and Earlene was in two weeks so you see the jinx
hasn’t left the Album staff as yet. Things are looking up
though and we have many blessings to count, all of us here at the
IMA staff as the Thanksgiving Season approaches and then goes
gloriously into the Christmas Season and like I said this being the
Jan-Feb. issue, I guess I better wish you all a Happy New Year and
may you attend more Reunions than ever.
Charles R. Hope, Jr. of Arlington, Virginia has sent a few
pictures in this time in the hopes we would put them in for the
Eastern Shore Threshermen and Collectors Assn., Inc. Says Charles,
‘We were down Oct. 1 to their picnic and had a wonderful time.
They are a fine bunch of people down there and are working very
hard developing a wonderful show.’ Well, if it has been of any
help to get them started publicity wise the pictures are in and we
wish them a lot of luck.
Have a letter from last July 10 but still aim to print it from
Nelson Howard, New Castle, Indiana who states: ‘We attended Mr.
W. A. Meister’s threshing bee yesterday. He had a large crowd
and a good time was enjoyed by all present. Dr. Holmes was there
with his Case engine, which I formerly owned. It was dolled up very
much and I think perhaps a woman’s touch was revealed in the
paint job. I am referring to his wife, Ruby. We had a wonderful
time and I enjoyed the T. V. program that he had put on Harry
The Pioneer Engineer’s Club was formed Sept. 19, 1946, I
think. I was elected the first president and my Case traction
engine was there in 1947. So Mr. Meister had several firsts at his
threshing bee yesterday. Even the children had a big romp in the
new straw pile, but I pity them when the itching started. I think
the Iron Men Album is a wonderful magazine and we wish them every
success. I have every copy of it since it started, Volume 1, No. 1
Winter 1946 issue. It was then called the Farm Album.’ Just a
nice letter left over from the summer, but then it will bring you
that much closer to the summer of 1968-right?
Another letter had come earlier from Miles Lusk, R.R. 2, Knox,
Pennsylvania 16232 and he brought up this subject: ‘Looking
over the list of Meets, I see many of them are on the same dates.
Why can’t the officers get together and plan dates that no
other club has and fix a date year after year that no other club
has and always use the same weekend. The dates may be best for some
member of the club, but so many of us travel up to 500 miles to
Meets they are missing a lot of cash and displays by having dates
when we are at other Meets. Some of my friends from here in Penna.
go clear out to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa and just now a friend of mine
from California is at a Meet in South Carolina. We travel!
A good way not to miss these Meets is to take a large bank
calendar and mark the Meets on the calendar days as you find out
the dates. Then a short reminder on the Meets help you plan in
advance as Sasconburg Fire Dept.-Always the 3rd week in July
Stoneboro Fair, always on Labor Day and etc. Now that many mill
workers have to plan their pick of vacation weeks in January or
February, a set time for all Meets would help.’ Well, I suppose
Miles has something there, but I guess it’s like everything
else, no matter when the date is set, it is not possible to please
everyone and I guess they really do try to get it at a time
convenient for the majority.
Miles also added in his letter ‘Tips from an old Batch’s
Cook Book’ Cook pork chops, veal chops or pork steak till half
done, take a can of Spanish Rice and spread over it and finish
cooking. Why not try it, might be a nice new taste for a
A friendly letter from Harold D. Blackwell, Box 250, R. 1, Lake
Zurich, Illinois 60047 and he entitled his ‘ALMOST GONE-BUT
NEVER FORGOTTEN’ – ‘Who would ever think that after 65
years one would still long to smell of burning wood or coal and
exhaust steam or wipe the chaff from a-round an old red bandana
handkerchief tied around your neck? My folks never found me at home
from the time the old threshing outfits came within ten miles of
home and until they were ten miles beyond. Where was this in the
Black Hills of S. Dakota, the land of Jack Rabbits, Tumble Weeds
and Gumbo Soil that was so hard when dry you could not make a track
in it and when it was wet you took your track with you that I think
is a good description for Gumbo.
Now, in 1967, my Secretary, Gertrude Haase of Zion, Illinois and
her husband, engine loving Will, made me a present of a
subscription to the Iron Men Album. It’s great! Every word and
advertising item is read; they sound so natural. Every issue stirs
up that old memory of the Dakota threshing times.
In the March-April issue, it is noted some pictures of old Avery
engines, but I am wondering why so few articles or pictures are
published on the Avery engines, especially the old 16-20 Hp. return
flue and Yellow Fellow Separators to match. These were tops in
Dakotas until the Hart-Parr 40-60 came along, powered with Gas
My wife and myself always try to attend at least one or two
threshing shows a year. We like the one at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. I
just could not resist writing you about the Iron Men Magazine,
because it keeps alive these old memories of days of yore that are
so much a part of us, but lost to today’s generation
You might be interested in me relating a story about myself when
only ten years of age. I wrote to Avery Company in Peoria, Illinois
to send a salesman to see me about buying an Avery outfit. The
salesman arrived by stage coach to Snoma, S. Dakota, near Belle
Fourche, S. Dak. and made inquiry of my father as to son, Harold.
When informed I was only ten years of age the decision was for my
Dad to pay half the salesmans expenses from and to Peoria, Ill. The
final result was a letter from the President of Avery Company to
the effect they appreciated my interest in Avery Products but were
inclined to believe I would get a good many threshings before I was
able to purchase one.’ That surely was an amusing incident, but
I doubt if Harold thought so at the time.
I know one couple that is extremely happy right now as my
daughter and her husband had packed all their beautiful gifts from
the wedding away until he would be finished with his hitch in the
service and as of now he is stationed in Williamsburg, Virginia and
is supposed to be stateside for two years, so she left her work and
they found a furnished apartment and just this past Sunday they
left to feather their first nest and begin their life together in
their own little home. We are happy for them that they can be
together and hope the plans for Bob aren’t changed. He will be
out on a two months cruise each year, but at least for the present
they are making a new home together and making use of those lovely
gifts. We look forward to visiting them – Williamsburg, Virginia is
a very historical place and visited by many tourists yearly, so we
should get to see all the sights while there.
And now to start your New Year. 1. Face the New Year with the
Old Book. 2. Face the New Needs with the Old Promises. 3. Face the
New Problems with the Old Gospel and 4. Face the New Life with the
Old Remedies-Selected.