My Mommy said I wuz to rite you good Poeple and wish you all a
Happy Chrismas Season – so here I am looking at you and say in’
When Mommy had my picture talked, the man wuz go in to take off
that hair stikin up on my hed, but Mommy sed not to, cause
that’s the way it always is -and that’s how I really look
than this sometimes. This pitcher was took last May and I was over
31/2 years old, but now I’m mutch bigger
cause I was 4 on Sep—cain’t spell it, wait til I ask Mom-
Oh-o.k. – she sez to spel it September 11.
I want you to know I relize a good bit bout this here magazine
cause I help Mommy when she works typin and stuf when she drops yur
pitchers or letters on the flor – I pik them up! And then too, she
shows me all the good ones I lik – lik the ones with horses and one
was a dere with a man feeding it – and the stem engines I sorta lik
the steam engines but I was out at Elmer’s Korn Krim one tim
and he left me up on his engine but then he started it and it scard
me cause I thot I did something wrong, but my Mom sez not to be
scard that he jus has it that yu can turn on a switch and it makes
it go -it doesn’t go anywhere, but I didn’t kno that. Well,
lik I sed I help Mommy my Daddy lots – I lik to wurk and I lik to
talk, but I don’t understand why sometimes my Mom or Dad givs
such big sighs-I guess they just get tired quick-don’t you
Well, I think that’s enuf from me-so yu all have a
Happy Season and a good next yer-and I hope Sana Claus brings
something fur all of yu.
And I hope you folks, like us are looking forward to a lovely
Christmas Season – I wish all the boys could be home from overseas
with their families and maybe God willing this will happen before
too long. I don’t know, when you start looking around there
seems to be so many problems for us to get busy and solve, I surely
hope we remember more to call on God to help us – that’s the
answer you know but too many of us don’t go to him enough or
try to get our neighbor to seek his help too. We think we can do it
all ourselves -and what a mes we’ve made.
We are very happy that our daughter Dana and hubby, Bob are
coming home from Virginia the end of this month-he is to be let out
of the Naval Reserves earlier than expected because of the economy
cutback, and as far as we know they will be staying with us for a
little while until they can get settled again up here.
Also, I must tell you friends we are going to be grandparents
twice again this winter as Eddie and Kathi are expecting their
second child the beginning of March and Dana and Bob are expecting
their first little one around the middle of April – so I’m
excited as there is so much to look forward to – and I’m also
hoping to see my brother this Christmas and it’s been seven
years since I’ve seen him – so you all have a Blessed Happy
Season like I’m hoping to with all my loved ones.
Mr. D. Walke of Elkader, Iowa would like some ideas for building
boilers, engines and etc.-Perhaps some of you fellows who have done
this would like to drop him a line. I’m sure he’d be glad
to hear from you.
And another inquiry–Milo M. Schnoor of R.R.I, Box 87,
Vinton, Iowa 52349 asks ‘Do you have information on the sash
saw or the Muley Saw Mill or both or do you know where I can get
the information for these sawmills? I would like to make a working
model of one or both of them or buy an old one that I could
remodel. ‘Help again fellows, I can’t help him, so I’m
counting on you.
John A. Hinkle of East Berlin, Route 2, Penna. 17316 writes us:
‘One of your readers wants to know the name of the Traction
engine on Page 14 of IMA Sept. Oct. The engine is a Robert Bell os
Canada, 30 hp. rear mounted.’ Now there is some help to you
friends who wrote in asking about it.
And another letter along the same line from Mrs. Lyle Taskerud
of Frederick, South Dakota 57441. She writes: ‘We have learned
that the steam engine picture in the Sept-Oct. issue on page 14 is
a Robert Bell. I got the information from the daughter of the man
who owned the outfit. The man’s name was Ole Sanderson of
Vontage. The man on the plow is my father, Edw. Olson, who is now
92 years of age and is in a nursing home..’ Well, thanks to
both these people for writing in – uh-oh and here’s a third
R.F. Somerville, 12498 14th Ave. N. Haney, British Columbia,
Canada states: ‘On page 14 of Sept-Oct. 1968 of IMA there is a
very good picture of steam engine plowing. It is sent in by Mr.
Pfutzenreuter of South Dakota. He asks what make is it and other
readers may be interested. It is a 30 hp. Robert Bell plowing
engine and has a butt and double strap boiler, caries 145 psi. The
cylinder is 11 inch bore and 11 inch stroke. The reverse valve gear
is single eccentric The water tank and coal hopper carry enough
fuel and water for several hours work. There is also an independent
I beam frame from the rear axle to the front. This takes the strain
off the boiler. The engine is rear mounted. The tank on the side of
the firebox is not standard equipment. The Robert Bell and Thresher
Company of Seaforth, Ontario, Canada built this engine from
1905-1920.’ Well, one on thing they all agree – it is a Robert
Bell engine – and we came up with a good bit of information with
these three letters, I think. I’m sure you interested folks are
happy these fellow steam enthusiasts wrote.
Well, that is really all for this time -God bless each and every
one of you and do hope you have a prosperous, satisfying New