By the time you receive this copy, the Reunion Season will have
begun and I hope good Reunion weather. No doubt, like youngsters
eagerly awaiting the last day of school, so they can be free of
such unimportant things as readin’, writin’ and
‘rithmetic and spend their time on more significant projects as
swimming, baseball, catching bugs and etc.; likewise the Steam Fan
for the summer months, when he can once again be around the
Iron-Men and enjoy the companionship of his friends who share the
same interest. I suppose, at times, we are all children at
Had a letter from John McLemore, Silver Spring Rd., White Marsh,
Md. and would like to quote in part, ‘I would like to make a
correction to your Soot In The Flues. In regard to the C & O
engine at the Greenfield Museum, you have the right amount of
wheels, but they are in the wrong place. Take two wheels from the
poney truck and add them to the trailer truck and you will then
have a Lima Locomotive Works masterpiece, a C & O Allegheny,
2-6-6-6’. May-June column so stands corrected! Thank you,
I’d like to share one of my innovations with you ladies. We
have a downstairs powder room, or bathroom, whichever you choose to
call it. The towel holder is rather high and of course, the
children wash their hands and then always pull the towel down, make
a pretense of drying them and then it usually ends on the floor.
They could hang it on the door-knob , but to hang it on the floor
is more their style. Consequently, every time Father or I go into
the room, we have a towel to pick up so I took two towels and sewed
them together, at one end, and put a jacket zipper on the other
end. (It has to be a zipper of this type, as you have to put the
towel over the bar and then zip it shut.) and now, that problem is
solved, just as long as they don’t try to play Tarzan and swing
on the towel. Just thought some of you folks might have use of the
same idea. Also, I’m sure many of you people have little time
or labor saving tricks and perhaps you would send them on to
Had a cute poem sent in by F. L. (Doc) Pry, 2619 Everett, Kansas
City 2, Kansas, no title, but you could think of one here goes!
Grandmother, on a winter’s day, milked the cows,
slopped the hogs, saddled the mule and got the children off
to school!
Did a washing, mopped the floors, washed the windows and did
some chores.
Cooked a dish of home-made fruit, pressed her husband’s
Sunday suit, swept the parlor, made the bed, baked a dozen loaves
of bread.
Split some fire-wood and lugged it in, enough to fill the
kitchen bin, cleaned the lamps and put in oil, stewed some apples,
she thought might spoil.
Churned the butter, baked a cake, then exclaimed, ‘For
goodness sake, the calves have got out of the pen’ and went out
and chased them in again!
Gathered the eggs and closed the stable, went back to the house
and set the table, cooked a supper that was delicious, and
afterwards washed up the dishes.
Fed the cat and sprinkled the clothes, mended a basketful of
hose, then opened the organ and began to play WHEN YOU COME TO THE
I thought that poem was right nice, but very tiring. Whew! And
that about does it for this time and I liked the way Doc Pry ended
his letter-in fact I may even use it often—