Well, it’s here the Reunion time is in full swing now good
times are a daily diet as the folks tour from one show to another
renewing friendships and making new friends. Do hope you all get
the enjoyment you seek through this medium.
Had occasion recently to attend a beautiful Polish wedding in
Shamokin and would like to share the experience with you. Our
bride was a long time friend of Dana’s throughout the school
years. The wedding was held in St. Joseph’s Church in Shamokina
very modern looking church and proved to be very mod. Mrs. Kenneth
Moraski was a bridesmaid while Mrs. Michael Swartz was matron of
honor. Brother Ken was best man and brothers, Zigmund and John
Moraski were ushers. The music in the service was all by guitar and
was lovely, and of course accompanied by singing. A huge banner up
front proclaimed: I TOM take thee KAREN to be my wife also on the
banner was a cross and two wedding rings. It was here that Karen
Beers and Thomas Moraski were united in matrimony.
They received communion, although Karen was not Catholic and
also did her bridesmaid and escort. (This is quite unusual as I
know that many churches do not allow this personally I think Father
Casey will draw more folks into his fold by being this
Following the ceremony there was great rejoicing and partying at
a Hall in the area where a sit-down dinner was served to 230 and
the band started its numerous polkas, mod music and some hits of
the Big Band Era. Highballs, beer, and sodas were a-plenty but no
one abused the privilege. The wedding party was so pretty in their
peach and white gowns outdone only by the bride’s ensemble.
Brides always have that extra beauty don’t you think? They had
the traditional bouquet throwing, the garter tossing and then the
Bride’s dance in this case the bride and groom took turns
dancing with anyone who deposited money in the apron held by one of
the brides maids it netted $126. to be used on the honeymoon.
Another little different custom was a man came to the house and
followed the bride out to the car before the wedding playing the
Polish Wedding March on an accordian. There was great joy, many
gifts, including way over $1000. in cards with money.
Later in the evening a huge buffet was again arrayed and the
guests ate as though they had not just consumed a large meal
several hours previous.
All in all, it was a lovely experience for us these people seem
to have such a closeness everyone dances with everyone else and
there is no generation gap and today that is a great
Best of luck to the new bride and groom, Karen and Tom, as you
begin a new and wonderful period of your lives. May you share all
the joys and sorrows together from here on.
With an order for a book came this request from MR. AND MRS.
THEO. R. DARNELL, Box 1507, Cleburne, Texas 76031’We have an
old Railway token and we were wondering if you knew where it is
from it is about the size of a dime and on one side has X0 and on
the other side L P RY’ (Anyone out there can help them identify
the token they’ll be glad to hear from you.)
LYALL S. JONES, 515 Nebobish Avenue, Bay City, Michigan 48706
penned this note to me recently: ‘I read in the May-June 1972
issue of Iron-Men Album where a Harry Bonne-ma of LeMars, Iowa is
trying to get in touch with a Mr. H. I. Petti for of 12-18 Fleet
Road, Fleet, Hants. This address is in England, not the U. S. As a
former Britisher, may I inform all concerned that Hants, is an
abbreviation for Hampshire, a county in England U. K. Hope this
information may help you and Mr. Bonnema.’
(Thank you Lyall, and I’m going to forward your letter to
Harry. But I thought it was something we all should know. Our
appreciation and Cheerio!)
ALBERT L. SHERMAN, 406 N. 7th St., Lamar, Colorado 81052 is
seeking help on finding catalogs of return flue Avery steam
engines. He then will try to find a foundry that can cast the
engine working parts and then he could make the boiler if he can
find the size and length. He wants to make it about 1/3 the size of
a 20 HP. (So if any of your men can assist Albert, I’m sure he
will appreciate it and perhaps you will acquire a new friend).
SYD MATTHEWS, Box 1300, Mea-ford, Ontario, Canada sent this
short letter along with one of his communications to us and wished
us to forward it to you. ‘To all my good Reeves Friends I want
to assure you that I have not forsaken the Reeves Historical
Society of America!
As most of you know I underwent surgery in 1969 for a small
cancer in my mouth. This operation was a complete success. However,
it took me several months to recuperate and when I was just
beginning to feel like my old self again and to get steam in the
boiler, I began to suffer excrutiating pain in the nerves of my
face, to such an extent that I was completely knocked out both with
the pain and the pain-killing drugs that I was taking. Thus, I lost
another year with two operations last summer and one in October
when I again underwent surgery to partially deaden the nerves on
the right side of my face and mouth. Although this last operation
has not been a 100% success, at least the doctors are on the right
track, even though it may mean another small operation to get me to
the point where I can again function normally and fire the boilers
for more Reeves action. And, so to all of you, my good steam
friends who have written to me in the last couple of years with
your encouragement, interest and support, I say MANY THANKS and may
Health, Happiness and Good Luck be yours throughout the
(We certainly pray for Syd in his misfortune and trust he will
soon be back firing the boilers).
DAVID EGAN, R. D. 5, Mechanics-burg, 17055 wishes to apologize
to a certain party in Kansas name unknown inquiring about
information on the owner of Cagney steam locomotive (page 22
Mar-Apr. I. M. A.). The man from Kansas wants correct address on
Mr. Maddox-here ’tis: Ralph G. Maddox, R. D. 1, Purgitsville,
West Virginia 26852. Also Stemgas carries a book entitled
‘Little Railways of the World’ by Frederic Shaw, $6.00
which has an entire chapter on the history of the Cagney steam
engine. (Sure hope the man from Kansas that is interested sees
JOHN DAVIDSON, Box 4, Bristol, Wisconsin 53104 sends us this bit
of helpful advice. ‘An easy way to copy old striping or
lettering before painting over is to trace on Saran Wrap with ball
point pen. After repainting, place Saran Wrap over carbon paper and
go over lines again.’ (Thanks John, that sounds easy
A homey letter from LAWRENCE H. MEYER, Box 32, Ridgeville
Corners, Ohio 43555 goes: ‘You and the ALBUM staff have given
me many many hours of happy reading so I thought it was time that I
contributed something. I read in your column in the Jan-Feb. issue
that a Mr. Arthur A. Zuhn asked about the Baker Steam Tractor which
he had seen in the Ford Museum.
I have a copy of the catalog, No. 24, in which this machine is
presented so I thought maybe more people would be interested in the
specifications. Width: 5’10’. Height: 9’2′.
Wheelbase: 7’10’. Turning Radius: 14′. Weight: 9,000
lbs. Three or four 14′ Plows. 24′-30′ Separator. Drive
Wheels: 54′ diameter, 14′ face. Horsepower Rating: 16-30.
Cross Compound Engine High Pressure Cylinder: 3 X 5′ stroke.
Low Pressure Cylinder: 9′ X 5′ stroke. 400-425 R. P. M.
Pulley: 22′ diameter X 8′ face. Splash lubrication for
crank-case. Sight feed lubrication for cylinders. Gear Train:
Internal gear drive running in oil. Final Drive: Internal gear to
live rear axle. Crankshaft Diameter: 2′. Countershaft Diameter:
3′. Rear Axle Diameter: 3′. Bearings: Special babbitt.
Frame: 6′ Channel-all joints electric welded. Live rear axle in
cannon bearing. Automobile type front axle. Sectional water tube
boiler U tubes 1′. 1′ Headers: 168 sq. ft. heating surface.
Fuel: Slack coal, hopper capacity, 175 lbs. Automatic stoker. Water
tank capacity: 40 gallons located between frame members. Tubular
radiator condenser. Two pumps driven from intermediate gear shaft.
One pumps from radiator to boiler. The other from tank to boiler.
Water level automatically controlled by thermostat. Ground
Clearance: 11′. Speed: Snail’s pace to 2 miles per hour.
Pickering governor. 300 lbs. Steam Pressure.’ (How about all
that information Fellows?? Thanks Lawrence!)
A request from LAWRENCE R. TACKETT, Route 1, Blackburn, Missouri
65321’In order to raise funds for the acquisition and
restoration of equipment, the Missouri Railway Museum is compiling
a Directory of traction engine and gas engine clubs and any museums
that display traction, gas and early agricultural equipment. We
would appreciate the help of the IRON-MEN ALBUM in informing these
clubs of our project so they might contact us. We will publish the
club’s name, officers and addresses, as well as a short
description of the nature of the club and its activities. Hopefully
the Directory will prove a useful reference and help to improve
communication between the various groups throughout the United
States and Canada.’ (Now, don’t pass this opportunity by to
have your Club or Museum mentioned in this up-coming Directory.
There are a lot of organizations of this type and if they all
answer, it should fill up the Directory).
WILLARD SWENSON, 2801 N. 26th Street, L29, Lincoln, Nebraska
68504 would like more information on the Bryan light steam tractor.
He saw some information on the tractor in the Nov-Dec. 1969 issue,
page 27 but none since How about it Readers?? Can you give out with
more data on the Bryan tractor?
DOUGLAS M. BROWN, 711 N. Paulina Avenue, Redondo Beach,
California 90277 is interested in PRR locomotive whistles or
hardware from steamers. Anyone being able to acquaint him with
someone knowing of these items-it will be appreciated.
NOAH S. BRUBAKER, R. D. 2, East Earl, Pennsylvania 17519
recently purchased a 65 Case traction engine and is wondering if
someone would write and tell him the original color of same.
In closing I’d like to leave you with a couple inspirational
quotations It’s easy to have patience with others when we
remember God’s patience with us. -Face the sunshine and the
shadows will fall behind.-It is unfortunate to have more dollars
than sense.-Christianity is not a way outit’s a way
through.-Rejecting God’s way is simply asking for trouble.