Well, this is it Friends this is the great Season of Reunions
and steam-ups and good talk, good food, wonderful time of year so
get on out there and enjoy them all. Get those engines fired up and
make new acquaintances, learn little details from each other pile
up a stack of memories for the forthcoming winter.
With this issue we begin the second year (where did the time go
it’s a good bet we’ll make some more, but we try to please
and we will make every effort to correct our errors Stick with us
many of you have been proving that you’re with us through the
good and the bad and we do receive many favorable comments so
Thanks to our Iron-Men Family Members and here’s hoping we meet
up with many of you at the reunions. And don’t forget get the
Show Reports and all the little sideline stories of interest to me
and I’ll try to get them in as soon as possible.
And now on to a few letters that you’ll all be interested in
EDWIN HILL, Chatsworth, Ontario, Canada would like to know how
you can tell the year of manufacture from the serial number I
don’t even know if you can, can you?
EDGAR WHITE, 112 Overbough Ave., St. Clairsville, Ohio 43950
sends along a good method to keep brass oiler and piping like new
on steam or gas engines. He says: ‘Remove the tarnish with a
commercial brass polish OR if you prefer, use salt with lemon juice
or hot vinegar OR use washing soda. Dry thoroughly and polish with
a clean flannel cloth. Then spray with a clear metal type or
automotive type lacquer.’ Ed says he has used this method for
years and it works (So thanks to Ed for a helpful tip).
An informal note from George and Margaret Matthews they are
moving from Lakewood, New Jersey to Arkansas. They would very much
like to hear from all their good friends they have made throughout
the years. Their address until they are settled will be in c/o
Harold Matthews, Route 2, St. Joe, Arkansas 72675. They promise to
answer all letters. They would like to know of any shows near where
they will be living. They say they are the owners of the Brass
Twins I know you folks that know them will understand.
From BARBARA GRAHAM comes a heart warming letter ‘I am
writing to you in hopes of receiving help from friends in times
when we need the support of others. I am writing in behalf of my
grandfather, a man known by you and many of your readers, IRVIN G.
HOFFMAN. He has been a long time subscriber of both your magazines,
a member of Rough & Tumble and has traveled to many area steam
shows where he helped keep steam up for the Getz Bros. calliope.
Over the years, he has corresponded and transacted business with
countless people about his gasoline engines, particularly his New
Holland collection.
I have now decided to write you (unknown to him) thinking
perhaps you could put a note in both your magazines requesting
folks to drop him a note or a card to lift his spirits in the
coming months. I know he has many friends who would be glad to
contact him some might even stop in to visit him if time is
available. You see, on March 9, he and his wife were involved in a
tragic one car accident on the way to church. Mr. Hoffman escaped
with bruised legs, but Mrs. Hoffman died as a result of the
accident nine hours later. He misses her greatly. I know in the
coming months he will need support of his friends and he enjoys
nothing more than to talk of old times. Thank you for understanding
and caring.’ (I need say no more but this I know, he is blessed
with a good granddaughter. His address is R. D. 1, Box 31, Manheim,
Pennsylvania 17545 – same as Barbara’s.)
RICHARD M. SPINK, 410 Bird Ave., Buffalo, New York 14213 would
like to thank all the people that sent him get well cards and
letters during his recent bout with his ticker. He is still
grounded but, with the exception of missing the show at Dillon, S.
C. this year, they hope to make all of the shows that they
regularly attended.
This probably wasn’t meant for the column, but I think it is
worth passing on it’s one of the nice things that happen with
good people in this world. Too often these items are unnoticed. I
had a letter from DONALD STEDMAN, 608 Clarks Lane, Winona,
Minnesota 55987 and among other things this was in one paragraph!
‘When I was a kid of about 10 years, a neighbor let me steer
his 19 or 20 HP Aultman-Taylor for about half a mile past our home
when moving the rig from one job to another. It was a thrill I
remember like yesterday. Now, I want to do something for him in
return, almost 50 years later. I’m enclosing a check for one
year’s subscription to the magazine.’ Wasn’t that a
nice thought and to let the man know just how much his kindness and
generosity meant to Don over all the years.
Don is a new member to our family as he began receiving I.M.A.
last fall and he says: ‘Last fall I subscribed to your
magazine. I have since received it and enjoy it. Since I was a
small boy on the farm in the latter years of the days of steam
engine use in threshing, I have been fascinated with steam engines
and although it has now been many years, I can picture in my mind
in detail just how the many case engines looked, as well as an
Aultman-Taylor, an M. Rumely, a Buffalo-Pitts and a couple of
Minneapolis engines. The threshers that they powered, I can of
course remember also.
OSCAR E. BUESCHER, R.R. 3, Box 189, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025
sends along this informative letter: ‘Dear Anna Mae I certainly
enjoy your writing under the heading Soot in the Flues. In the
May-June issue of the Album, you had a letter from Douglas Dann, of
Ithaca, N. Y., who wanted more information about the big 150 HP
I have a 1908 Case catalog that has the list price and
specifications on the 150 H P Case Road Locomotive. They are as
Follows 14 x 14 – inch Cylinder Road Locomotive, – $4000.; Brake H
P -150; Road Locomotive; Cylinder 14 x 14 inches; Waist, inches 42;
Firebox, inches, length 58-1/4, width, 39-1/4, height 45; Boiler
Tubes, Number – 93, Diameter 2 inches, Length 108-1/2 inches, grate
area – Square feet 15.8; heating surface – sq. ft. 508.5; steam
pressure 150 psi; Fly Wheel -Diameter inches, 50, Face inches, 16,
Revolutions per minute, 200; engine travels mph, 2.64; rear wheels,
inches, diameter 96, face 36; front wheels, inches, diameter 53,
face 14; distance between axles, inches 160; extreme width of
engine, inches 136.’
ANTHONY S. HEAL of the National Traction Engine Club of England
sent us a list of Rallies in case some of our friends visiting
England might want to visit at that time. It is quite a large list
and if you wish you could obtain one by writing George F. Beck, 127
Greensted Road, Loughton, Essex, England. George is the Secretary
of National Traction. Engine Club. (Thanks Anthony – a kind
That’s it for this time and I wish you all a terrific
summerand remember A lot of happiness is overlooked because it
doesn’t cost anything.