Hi! Well, here we are, almost half through 1977 last year all
things were bustling with activities geared to the Bicentennial
theme where oh where does the time go?? Let’s not forget our
patriotism in any year, but let us also remember, that in itself is
not enough for we must not carry within us any animosity or hatred
for anyone so well put in Matthew 22:37-39.
And onto some letters of interest from our readers CHARLES
CHIARCHIARO, Depot Street, Waldoboro, Maine 04572 shares with us:
‘We have recently started a Transportation Museum here in the
state of Maine a working museum of planes, autos, carriages and
engines. We are now putting up what we know to be the largest steam
engine left in this country. The engine weighs 95 tons and develops
600 HP. I am sure you will hear more about us in the near future.
(We hope so Charles and we’ll be looking for a story on your
Had a nice letter from GILMAR JOHNSON, Route 1, Box 309,
Frederic, Wisconsin 84837 ‘Dear Friend Congratulations on your
good work with the Stemgas Publications As a senior citizen (not
bragging or complaining) I can now see how so many old-timers are
kept going by the little fun they get from Old Iron and reading the
hobby magazines (especially if they don’t have a wife). So, we
can now see as how Elmer started a movement that even to this day,
has turned out to be the only incentive to hundreds of senior
citizens. Keep up the good and glorious work it does not conflict
God’s plans in any way. Praise the Lord!’ (Thanks Gil many
of the older subscribers will remember Gil used to write a column
for us called Dairyland Driftings quite a few years ago and I’m
sure many of you are his friends. He and his wife, now deceased,
used to attend some of the reunions it was good to hear from you
A new publication has come to my attention through the mails and
perhaps some of you folks may be interested in it it is called
‘Longears News’ and it deals explicitly with mules. This
paper was 4 pages in content and sells for $1.50 per subscription
for six issues, every other month. If you would be interested
write: Geri McCall, 28371 Gimple Hill Road, Eugene, Oregon
A letter of quite different content found its way into this
column I think you’ll like it. It is from MRS. ROGER FRANKLIN
CULLER, R. D. #3, Fredericktown, Ohio 43019 ‘I was looking
through some old Iron-Men magazines one night, when what to my
surprise, I ran across an article written by my husband, Roger, in
the May-June issue of 1961.
I didn’t meet him until June of 1966. We were married the
next year, June 30, 1967. I guess I didn’t realize how close I
came to not being married, at least on that weekend, because you
see, it must have been a big toss-up between me and a Steam
Thresher’s Show, the same weekend Love conquers all!
Do you know where we spend every anniversary?? You’ve
guessed itat the Wauseon Steam Thresher’s Show. In fact,
he’s already planning this year’s trip and wanting to buy
something. I must admit, I enjoy the shows just as much (but, it
took a while).
We have two girls, Amanda Jayne (5) and Mary Rebecca (3) and
wouldn’t you know, they love the shows too!
Roger doesn’t have his steam engine yet, but in the
meantime, I LOVE YOU, you steam engine nut!!
I have an idea he’ll be just as surprised to read my letter
like all of the other men, he still waits eagerly for his magazine.
(And she signed her name Steaming along well, I’d like to see
Roger’s face when he reads the column this time, but I’ll
just have to imagine the expression and by the way Happy
Anniversary you two! Have a good time at the Reunion!)
DARRELL DEY, Vergas, Minnesota 56587 tells us: ‘I am a
teen-age steam fan. At age 15, I already have 4 years experience. I
have been running N. B. Nelson’s 1.3 scale Huber at the Rollage
Show. Last Spring my dad and I purchased a 1/3 scale Case engine. I
would like to build a 1/4 scale sawmill. Could you tell me of
someone who could send drawings or anything? I have most everything
figured out, except the feed works.’ (He’ll be waiting to
hear from you.)
Continuing to grow in size, attendance and facilities is the
Oklahoma Steam Engine Show to be held in July (see ad).
Work days have brought out several members from across the state
who have worked on the grounds and made benches to be used in the
big entertainment shed.
The official Fire Up Day was Sunday, May 1, where members and
friends enjoyed a whole beef barbecue on a spit which was turned by
an upright steam engine all the night before and part of Sunday.
This popular event is held at the Kenneth Kelley place not far from
the park and is hosted by Kelley and his three brothers, Cecil,
Floyd and Bill.
Vincent Chapman of Tulsa will be the show boss this year,
according to Ivan Miller, Oklahoma Steam Thresher Association
president, Edmond. Plenty of entertainment will be furnished
besides the performances and contests of the engines, including
square dancing, old fiddlers and appearances of well-known western
band…Johnny Lee Wills and All The Boys.
Ticket-takers and parking lot attendants are all volunteers from
Pawnee. Some camping space is available for early arrivals at the
grounds while much other camping space with hookups is available at
Lake Pawnee, nearby.
Pawnee is the home of the Pawnee Indians and of famous wild west
showman and show partner of Buffalo Bill, Major Gordon W. (Pawnee
Bill) Lillie. Pawnee Bill’s beautiful hilltop buffalo ranch
mansion and museum are open to the public at no charge.
Oklahoma Steam Thresher Association members look for their
biggest show, yet this year.
FORREST V. CUNNINGHAM, Route 2, Harrodsburg, Kentucky 40330 is
speaking to the readers as he states: ‘I would be very grateful
for any historical information on Avery under mounted engines.
Please help me. I will refund your postage.’
Welcome to a new organization, at least to us, in the name of
The Wheat Heritage Engine and Threshers Co., Inc. who will be
holding their show in August (see Coming Events) at Camp Webster,
Salina, Kansas. We wish them a bright future with many more shows,
each one growing in activity and attendance. We also look forward
to a continuing relationship with the Iron-Men Album Family.
We’re so happy to see our hobby interests growing all over the
nation and elsewhere.
L. GLENN BOWMAN, 206 Semple Street, Modesto, California 95354
needs the following information on some engines: Troy throttle
governed steam engine, D valve, vertical engine with flyball
governor (Waters) No. 7373,5′ bore x 7′ stroke, Pat. March
1910 (last pat. date), self enclosed oil system (by piston pump
beneath valve chest), lots of brass. Made in Troy, Pennsylvania and
nameplate reads Troy Engine & Machine Works -Troy,
Baker and Hamilton vertical steam engine 9′ stroke x 7′
bore, very, very old, came as unit (boiler and engine) from San
Francisco. Has straps and Gib keys on connecting rod. Babbitt
bearings, about 3 foot flywheel. Where did B & H purchase
engine? Flyball governor 1 inlet x 2′ exhaust. Very pretty and
fancy. Date??
Vertical steam engine made by Joshua Hendy Iron Works, San
Francisco, 7′ stroke x 7′ bore, approximately 3′
flywheel. Gardner flyball governor, 1 drain cock on bottom cylinder
cover, bronze shoes on crosshead. D valve with about 60% cut off on
valve, very nice!
‘I would appreciate any and all information on any of the
above engines. Steam collecting in the Stanilous Valley really
hasn’t become ‘big’ yet mostly gasoline. It’s a
shame all the experts have to be back East. (They’re not all
back here, Glenn perhaps you’ll hear from some through this
letter that are closer to you than you may realize.) I know
somebody has the information I need on these engines. Anybody
coming through Modesto, California, stop by and chat love
I also have several gasoline engines and if I can help anyone
with information on Economy, Jeager, Pacific, F-M’s etc.just
drop me a note.’ (Glenn’s number is 209-523-5113. Actually,
this letter came for the GEM. column, but I feel it is more
appropriate for the I.M.A.)
An inspiring letter comes from LEE McCLAIN, 3300 Giant Road, San
Pablo, California 94806. 415-235-3578. ‘I noticed the little
note in the March-April Iron-Men Magazine. Enclosed please find by
$1.00. I enjoy the magazine very, very much. I hope the men will
all send in the dollar.
I’m lying flat on my back in the hospital, I have foot
trouble and can’t walk. I would have sent sooner, but I have to
wait until my wife brings magazines to me. She enjoys the magazine
and we both wish they were every month. I do wish those that built
models of Rumely Oil Pulls would write an article on how they built
them and tell about gearing from the gas and flywheel engine to the
driving of the bull gears…
I have a hobby of windmills, too. When I first came to San Pablo
in 1944, there were 286 windmills; pumping ones, 6′ and 8′
in an area two miles by two miles. Now, there are two. I have one
and there is another one a mile southeast of me. They are
disappearing fast. Redevelopment and highways are taking them down.
And as they are an eye sore out here, the cities won’t let any
new ones go up, although they let the people keep the few that are
I hope to be out of the hospital and back home in another two
months. (How about it? Anybody else out there have windmills as a
hobby? I believe we had one not too long ago in the magazine, but
we certainly don’t get a lot of material on them.)
I guess that about does it for this time, Friends, and in
leaving I’d like to let you ponder on this modern bit of
God is like . ..
‘God is like Ford: He has a better idea.
God is like Coke: He is the real thing.
God is like Pan Am: He makes the going great.
God is like Bayer Aspirin: He works wonders.
God is like General Electric: He lights your path.
God is like Hallmark Cards:
He cared enough to send the very best.
God is like a Slow Poke Sucker:
He lasts a long time.
God is like Pepsi: He’s got a lot to give.
God is like a Mattel toy:
You can tell He’s swell.
God is like Frosted Flakes:
He makes you feel Great.
God is like Alka-Seltzer:
Try Him, you’ll like Him.’