Hi dear Iron-Men Family I guess by now you have your itinerary
pretty well filled, what shows you will attend and why?? And this
year I’ll bet the gas usage will alter many schedules but
I’m sure it won’t stop folks from getting to the reunions.
Time does fly fast though, truthfully does it seem a year since you
started on your trek last year?? And don’t forget to get the
after the shows. Sometimes people are offended because we don’t
put in a write-up before the events, but we just can’t do that
have one before and one after so as I said we much prefer the
report after the big events and as I’ve mentioned before, try
and remember the little incidents that happen that bring a smile or
a tear or a good belly laugh we too are as interested in the little
things that make life worthwhile as well as the descriptions of
machines, engines, etc.
Our first letter this time deals with a complaint it comes from
MAJOR DAVID McDAVIS, or DAVID W. DAVIS (can’t make out which
one) 295 E. Marshall Bl., San Bernardino, California 92404 and he
writes: ‘For over a year I have, as well as many of my fellow
collectors, had a gripe regarding your classified ads. It seems
there is a trend by those paying for an ad to leave their price
out. This indicates to all I have asked, and myself, to believe
their price is so ridiculous they are ashamed to have it printed.
It also leads to unnecessary correspondence and phone calls (all
long distance) in those items one has an interest in. I personally
have the habit of passing over all ads listed without a price in
your For Sale area, this leaves about 10% which I bother to
I believe it would be to your interest to run this in your ad
column where those taking out ads can get an idea of their ad
reception to the average reader.’ (This is not necessarily the
views of this publication, we just wanted to print it so you
readers may read it.) (Personally, I do not agree with the reason
David states why people do not indicate the price. BUT we would not
want to dictate to them that they have to list a price. I’m
sure they have their own valid reason for not stating a price.)
MICHAEL FITZMAURICE, 3480 Tuttle Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44111
is thinking of building a car powered by steam. He would like to
know if anyone could offer some help, ideas or suggestions on how
to get started on this project. He would be happy to hear from
RAY GLASRUD, 531 Avenue D, Billings, Montana 59102 is seeking
help: ‘At one time past, I came into possession of a poster
from The Farm Quarterly, published at 22 East 12th Street,
Cincinnati, Ohio. The folder advertised two books, namely, ‘The
Good Old Days’ and ‘The Good Life.’
From late correspondence, I learned The Farm Quarterly ceased
publications and the receiver wrote that none of the former two
books were now available.
I would appreciate your knowledge, if any, where the two books
may be available at this date.’
LEO SHAKAL, Route 3, Stanley, Wisconsin 54768 sends a drawing
and wishes your help: ‘I have a 1/3 scale steam traction engine
and have a problem with the ‘safety’ or ‘pop off
valve.’ I like to carry 100 lbs. pressure and the valve pops
off well and good, but doesn’t stop until the pressure has
dropped 10 lbs. or so and this is way too much for a small
Enclosing a rough sketch of the valve and wonder if there is
someone out there with a steam engine who can tell me where the
ring with notches should be turned way down to the bottom or up
higher? Will return stamps if anyone can help.’
Interested in ditch diggers? Read on as this letter comes from
GERALD DARR, 215 Oaklawn Avenue, Fremont, Ohio 43420: ‘I am
writing this letter as an inquiry to the many subscribers of your
fine magazine (which I enjoy very much). I wonder if any of them
ever owned a steam powered traction ditching machine. I have never
read any articles concerning them.
My father and his brother owned a Buckeye traction ditcher made
in Findlay, Ohio. They operated it I would say from about 1907 to
1912, give or take a few years.
They did tilling both here in Sandusky County, Ohio and in
adjoining Ottawa County. My father died in 1967 and his brother in
1971, so they are not here to verify dates etc. My father related
many experiences to me concerning the operating of these
To mention a few such as breaking the ice in a ditch to fill the
boiler with water, walking considerable distance at night to drain
the boiler for a sudden unexpected freeze coming, planking your way
through a small town to avoid tearing up the streets and some of
the boarding ‘fare’ at the places or farms they were
After my father and his brother were married in 1914 and 1912
respectively the engine was pulled into an apple orchard on a farm
where he started farming and it sat there a number of years. I
think the boiler was sold separately later on. The rest of the
machine was sold for junk. The related equipment was either sold or
divided between my father and his brother.
Perhaps some of the readers have been involved in the operation
of steam powered traction ditchers. (Gerald would be happy to hear
from you.) I am looking forward to attending some of the steam
shows this summer.’
An answer comes from LESTER C. NORRIS, 33 North Street,
Marcellus, New York 13108: ‘I noticed in your March-April
Iron-Men Album unclassified photos page 9, photo 6. The engine is a
1914 Lang & Button made in Ithaca, New York. The man is W. F.
Struble of Athens, Pa. who owned the engine until about 1950 when
he sold it to George Van Etta of Barton, N. Y. He in turn sold it
to me.
I had the engine until the early seventies when I sold it to
Dave & Barbara Conroy of Clyde, New York, who later sold it to
James Urdle of Canadaigua, New York.
I believe the serial number on the engine was 555 and the only
one of this make still around.
The New York Steam Engine Association has used this engine on
its stationary for several years.’
More help comes from CHARLES SCHAEFER, Route 1, Box 43A, Piasa,
Illinois 62079: ‘May-June 1980, page 13, a fellow member is in
trouble with a picture of his grandfather’s steam engine
threshing machine.
I have Encyclopedia of American Steam Traction Engine, by Jack
Norbeck. Mailed out by Farm Journal Inc., Washington Square,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105. In this 320 page book, on page
92, J. I. Case Company top left corner is a picture of Wilmer
Bouray’s steam engine. His address is Box 56, Haray, Nebraska
This 12 HP J.I. Case steam traction engine, built in 1894 is
owned by James E. B. Zeger of Leola, Pennsylvania. It appears at
the Rough & Tumble Engineers Historical Association Show at
Kinzer, Pennsylvania.’
A vote of thanks comes from BILLY M. BYRD, 369 S. Harrig Street,
Madisonville, Kentucky 42431: ‘Many thanks for printing my
letter and the pictures of the engines in the May-June 1980 issue.
J. R. Erdle of Rt. 4, Canadaigua, New York wrote me and identified
the unknown engine as a Watertown made by Hood & Bradford,
Watertown, New York. He has one of the only two Watertown steam
traction engines left. So now the engine is identified thanks to
you and the Album.’
From DAVID J. I. GRAY, 119 Turtlecove Lane, Huntington, Long
Island, New York 11743 comes an interesting missal: ‘I am
currently preparing an article for the British journal,
‘Steaming,’ the subject of which is British steam engines
in the United States.
Although I am aware that between 1888 and 1914 many Fowler steam
ploughing sets were exported from England to the United States, I
have not, as yet, located one or established if any of the engines
still exist. I have not found anybody who remembers ever seeing any
of these machines. I know that Fowler engines were in use in the
New Orleans area and in the Islands of Hawaii and Manila.
In addition to this, I also know that Aveling & Porter sent
to the U.S. tandem steam rollers with vertical boilers, I believe,
around the time of the First World War or soon thereafter.
I am also led to believe that the design of the
Buffalo-Springfield vertical boiler steam roller was based on the
imported Aveling & Porter machine.
While I have personally found examples of Buffalo-Springfield
rollers of this type, I do not know if any of the Aveling &
Porter rollers are still in existance in preservation. I have been
told that there is a British steam wagon located at Steamtown in
Vermont so, before long I shall take time to go and see it. There
also was a very rare example of a Howard cable ploughing engine,
which for many years was at the museum in Dearborne.
In more recent years, several British engines have been
purchased in the preserved state and brought to the U.S. I know,
for example, that a pair of Fowler ploughing engines from the
Buckinghamshire area came to the States in the early 1970s but I do
not know their whereabouts now.
At about the same time a Burrell showman’s engine left the
U.K. headed across the Atlantic to the U.S. and, here again, I do
not know where it is today.
Of course, I have been to see the Burrell tractor that came out
to the States in 1954 and is now in the possession of the Museum of
Transportation in Boston and I included details of this engine in a
previous article written for ‘Steaming.’
I should be very grateful if any of your readers could help me
with my article by sending to me any information at all that they
have relating to British steam engines in the United States and, of
course, any photos that they may have will be most welcome.
I should be only too happy to reimburse any expenses in sending
me this information or supplying me with photographs and would be
happy, of course, to give acknowledgements in my article.’
This letter comes from MELVIN R. GRENVIK, 115-1st Avenue N.E.,
Kenmare, North Dakota 58746: ‘I would like to offer what I can
in response to the Soot in the Flues letter from Wilmer Bouray,
Haray, Nebraska in the May-June issue.
The engine in the picture sent in by Mr. Bouray is a J. I. Case
center crank single cylinder manufactured from 1894 to 1897 and in
sizes from 12 to 16 horsepower.
I have no idea what make the thresher might be. Judging from the
vintage of the engine, the separator seems to be one with a straw
carrier, before the wind stacker (blower) came into general use. No
doubt some reader will recognize the machine.
Our magazine continues to be tops my best to all the
EDWIN H. BREDEMEIER, Route 1, Box 13, Steinauer, Nebraska 68441
sends this: ‘Enclosed are two pictures of a 2-hole corn
sheller. Can anyone help me identify the sheller make? I found it
while scavengeing for parts to complete my horse power corn
shelling outfit. Best wishes for 1980.’
A letter comes from G. A. NITSHE, Providence Farm, Monroeville,
New Jersey 08343 stating: ‘I have the only grist mill operating
commercially and using stones-in the state of New Jersey. I power
it with a Witte 2 HP engine #B46762. Would any of your readers be
able to help me ascertain when it was manufactured? Much
Some help comes from EDWARD I. CUMMINGS, 4060 S. Grant,
Englewood, Colorado 89110: ‘In regard to the picture on page 13
of the March-April I.M.A. Magazine-Yes, that is a tender of a Case
steam engine. A friend of mine had a 12 HP Case engine with a
tender like that on his engine. I think it was a 1900 model engine.
Before moving to Colorado, I lived in Phillipsburg, Kansas and
owned three threshing machines.’
If you can help JOHN H. HARRISON, 4301 Bruceville Road,
Vincennes, Indiana 47591, please let him hear from you: ‘Can
anyone tell me the date of manufacture of my Nichols Shepard single
cylinder traction engine (side mounted), 20-70 HP, engine #13887?
Also need to know the proper color scheme for this engine.’
In closing, I’d like to send along this little poem called
Neighborhood Prayer by Michael J. Smajda:
God, show me love, not anger; Offer me hope and not despair;
Make me wiser than my ignorance, Give me cause to truly care, About
the people who live around me And the community in which I live For
I do want to love my neighbor In this world of take and give.
That’s it for this time, friends, have fun this summer
following the steam hobby and remember this thought to ponder When
God measures men He puts the tape around the heart, not the