The only difference between April and March is that you expect
it in March and, will we ever be looking for early Spring this
year! We’ve had a whole winter already and it’s only the
middle of January as I prepare this friendly communication with our
steam folks. Well, one thing you can say about SPRING it comes when
it is most needed. So while the gardeners are ordering their seeds
counting ahead to the days of the Steam Reunions or else caught
day-dreaming of last years fun.
And before I get on with the letters that I have for this issue,
I’d like you to meet our two grandchildren Stacy Jo Branyan who
was 3 in December and Lance Chandlor Branyan who will be 1 on March
3. This picture was taken a few months ago, but they really look a
great deal like this aren’t they adorable? and such pleasant
personalities! Our only grief is that they are so far away, we
aren’t getting to enjoy each other as families should. And if
you’ve forgotten these are the children of our eldest son Eddie
and wife, Kathi and they live in Bangor, Pennsylvania. And though
we don’t visit very often I know they are keeping their Mommy
and Daddy busy and it’s a happy family that’s what counts!
Carl Sandberg said ‘A baby is God’s opinion that the world
should go on.’ And here are two precious examples.
BLAKE H., BOARDMAN of 3654 Bradley Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44145
pens us this bit of news: ‘While visiting in the Big Bend
National Part at Castolon which consists of all adobe buildings,
there is a steam engine. I took a picture of it, but somewhere I
lost it and the information. I wrote to the forest ranger for the
data. I’d like to know how they got it there as it must have
been a terrific job and I also wonder what purpose it served. If
you get any replies, I’d like to know about it and send the
info back to the ranger as he didn’t seem to know much about
it. Big Bend is one of the most rugged parks I have ever been in
and it is certainly worth the trip to see it.’ Well, Blake,
we’re sorry you lost your picture of it and the writing about
it sounds interesting anyone else out there know about this?? (In
case you are wondering Big Bend Park is in Texas.)
EMIL KOPAC, No. 9 Baileys Trailer Court, 217 W. 26th,
Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69361 replies to a request about the
Northwest Thresher. ‘Page 25 of Jan-Feb. 69-Northwest thresher
started as Minnesota Thresher Mfg. Then was named Northwest
Thresher Co. that made Giant engines, started chain drive. One
Steam engine I saw was rebuilt. A fellow threw a wet bundle in
cylinder and that stopped the whole works. They pulled separator
around with horses. One day when horses were not there, the
engineer hooked on bent diff. shaft-like a dog’s hind leg (cold
rolled steel of pot metal). The factory was across the street from
the Northfield bank where the robbery was by the James Bros. They
escaped by separation and got away. Then they made new Giant gear
drive return flue and St. Croix direct flue.’ Well, I don’t
quite understand all this but I’m sure you old-timers will.
SCOTT TROSTEL, 652 So. Downing St., Piqua, Ohio 45356 is trying
to compile a list of steam railroad locomotives. He doesn’t
care if they are in museums or gravel pits or junk yards. At
present he has a list of 35 confirmed Railroad locomotives in Ohio.
If you have any of this information, please let Scott know about it
and also the condition of the locomotive. He is doing this to help
anyone who likes railroad locomotives.
GILBERT ROOSEVELT, 204 W. Walnut Street, Albion, Illinois 62806
would like some communication on where threshing machines were made
and also some of the steam engines. He says as far as he knows the
Keck-Gonnerman engine was made in Mt. Vernon, Indiana; the Robinson
Company was in Richmond, Indiana; the Jumbo engines were made by
the Harrison Machine Works of Belleville, Illinois. He does not
know where the Case was made and is wondering if the Port
Huron’s were made in Michigan. Any information you can furnish
he would appreciate. I think he is more or less asking for a list
of all engines and their manufacturers would anyone have a compiled
list of this sort? Let’s hear from you fellows on this little
item. There is an article should be in this issue about a Billy
Hall who wanted to take his engine into town at midnight New
Year’s Eve and blow the whistle seems he got it accomplished
too. I guess he shocked quite a few people and as for his escapade,
I’d call it ‘having a blast.’ Quite interesting and a
bit different.
In closing, I’d like you to meet our other little
grandchild, Ryan Robert Fortenbaugh, son of our daughter Dana and
hubby, Bob. He was born May 12 and this picture was taken recently
looks like he is saying ‘Hye’ to all of you he’s cute
as he looks and is such a joy to have around. It is wonderful to
have these grandchildren. As a man named Don Herold said
‘Babies are such a nice way to start people.’ And this new
person is a little doll.
Bye bye, and by the time this issue is being reread a couple
times, the little green shoots should be coming up through the
ground and Spring will be here and you will be getting those
engines in shape for the big times this summer.