Into each life some rain must fall -but we’ve just had a
downpour in the resignation of Irene Gertzen, secretary for the
magazines. We certainly all hate to see her leave the Iron-Men
Family, but most sincerely wish her the best in life as she goes
down another path. We’ve certainly lost a good co-worker, but
thank goodness she doesn’t live far away and we go to the same
P. P. STRIEMER, Box 60, Winkler, Manitoba, Canada, needs some
help as he tells us in his letter: ‘I am building a 3′
scale Model 1914 Case Thresher and I need chain links either steel
or malleable for tailings elevator and grain elevator. I would like
links small enough to work on 1?’ pitch diameter sprockets.
Where can I get them? Can you help me?’
I have an address here for Allen Gauge & Tool Company, 421
N. Brad-dock Avenue, Pittsburgh, 21, Pennsylvania, that may be of
some help, Mr. Striemer. The company manufactures precision tools
and gages dies, jiges, fixtures and gaging instruments. Perhaps
they may have what you are seeking. If not, I hope some of our
readers let you know where you can get your needed links.
Some newsy notes from RALPH SMITH, Glenford, Ohio 43739, inform
us The Glenford Lions Club will sponsor the Hocking Valley Steam
and Antique Power Club for the Fifth Annual Show to be held on the
Lions Club Grounds and the Glenford School Grounds on August 14 and
15, 1971. Glenford is located on St. Route 204 South of I 70 East
of St. Rt. 13. Plenty of room for parking and camping.
The Hocking Valley Steam and Antique Power Club elected the
following officers: Ralph Smith, President, Glen-ford, Box 18, Ohio
43739; Philip Taylor, Vice-president, Rt. 1, Mt. Perry, Ohio 43760;
Secretary – Don Root, 907 Scott St., Columbus, Ohio 43222;
Treasurer – T. C. Spires, 1501 Chestnut St., Lancaster, Ohio 43130.
Meeting was held in Brownsville, Ohio.
We had our Christmas party in the American Legion Hall in
Amanda, Ohio. We had a magician for children and also Santa Claus
was present. There were about 100 attending. This was put on by the
Ladies Auxiliary. A fine time was had by all.