Our 1970 Show was almost rained out. Saturday was a good day. We
had a large crowd and a large amount of equipment. Our gas tractor
show was the best we have had and also the gas engine show was
good. Sunday morning about 6 A.M. it began to rain and never let up
all day.
LOUIS A. BOOSE, 98 Wooster St., Norwalk, Ohio 44857 reminisces a
writes: ‘Alphonse (Sandy Pike) Ringlein engineered and operated
the 6 cyl. Buick Engine powered Huber Steam Roller for the township
around Prout Stn., Shin rock near Sandusy, Ohio. I saw a picture of
it in Iron-Men Album some time ago. Alphy died a few years ago at
Monroeville, Ohio. His brother, Gustie lives here in Norwalk. Their
home was at Ringlein’s Corner & Sherman Twp., 1 mile west
of Bismark, Ohio now St. Sebastian because the Seb. church is the
only original left up there. The store building, blacksmith shop
burned about 1915 when Herman Jenrich lived there. Dominic Rock
used to operate the store, had a saloon in it, also it was a post
office long, long ago. I lived between Bismark and Ringlein’s
The boiler (flues) passed out on the Huber and ‘Sandy’
being ambidextrous mounted the Buick engine on the top and side of
boiler and restoring the roller to good use. Very unique. Very
lately I saw an ad in a local paper – For Sale – Huber Roller. I
wonder if it was THAT one. In the Album it mentioned the Huber Co.,
Marion, did not have any intelligence to the Buick Huber
This doesn’t all makes sense to me, but maybe you veterans
of the steam world will understand more about it.
An interesting note from CLARENCE E. MITCHAM, Route 1, Mead,
Washington 99021, who wrote: ‘I received a very nice and
different Christmas card from the Uhlenkotts this year. I am
sending it along to you just to show you what an old steam friend
does in his spare time. He made the lumber of western pine, sanding
it by hand and then had it printed. John and Jennie live at
Spokane, Washington. He was a millwright and boiler maker all of
his life and keeps busy 16 hours a day.
This card was quite unusual. It measured about 9′ by 4′
of the wood as Clarence described, cut saw-toothed on each end to
add a decorated effect. On it was imprinted ‘Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year – Mr. and Mrs. John J. Uhlenkott,’ and
then there was a Case engine imprinted on it too. Quite nice wish
you could see it.
You’ll receive this magazine still in winter weather, but by
the time you’ve re-read it a couple times the positive signs of
Spring will be with us. Before you know it the Shows will be in
full swing to the great pleasure of you steam fiends.
1970 for us personally, was not a good year as we lost quite a
few friends in death, had our share of sicknesses throughout the
family and turmoil in other areas. We were looking eagerly to 1971
and already we’ve attended a funeral and we’re not half way
through January – so life goes! So, you see, we here must look
expectantly toward Spring and its beauty and perhaps more gladness
and peace than its sister year before it held for us. I’m not
crying the blues, just stating facts, for I know in my heart we
have many blessings for which to be thankful.
So – keep your steam up and be ready to roll on those important
Reunion dates!!